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Hey! So here's another chapter! It gets really sad from here. So grab a box of tissues and sit back. Or sit up...depending how you like to read. Anyway...I hope you like it :)


I wake up in the middle of the night from another nightmare. I always get nightmares. Sometimes it's about a guy, who I figure is my dad, beating me. Sometimes it's about getting kidnapped or something. I never get a lot of sleep because of them. I can't take sleeping pills because then I won't wake up, the dream will just keep going on and on until the pill wares off.

I look around and see Liam sprawled across the floor. His blanket way off to the side. I see him shiver so I get up and go over to him. I smile to myself, pulling the blanket over him and he cuddles into it. He's so adorable.

I decide to go downstairs, maybe get something to eat. Yea, food sounds really good right now. I quietly unlock the door and walk out. I silently walk to the kitchen and grab some food. I walk into the family room and sit on the couch. My head is still pounding but I can tolerate it.

"Liam?" A disembodied voice calls. Oh what the hell. Just my damn luck.

"Oh hey, Megan?" Dani appears. I just nod.

"How are you? You're head must be sore." She says, leaning against the couch.

"Yea." I pip up quietly. She comes and sits next to me. Okay this is weird. Something's going to happen, I can already tell.

"So how long have you known the boys?" She pries.

"About a month or so." I say courteously. Another awkward silence.

"Okay. Let me tell you something bitch." She spits tightly.

Uhm, bipolar much?

"You need to stay away from Liam. He's mine. And the rest of the boys for that fact. You're not good for them" She snaps, glaring at me.

Rawr, who lit the fuse on her tampon?

"Understand me?" She asks, getting closer to me.

"It's not my fault he finds me more attractive." I blurt out assertively, smirking. Did I really just say that? Where did that come from.

"Hah! You attractive? A damn hairless rat is more attractive than you." She spits.

"I actually think they're kind of cute. Now, the chinese crested chihuahua on the other hand, I find hideous. Kind of like you." I smile gravely. She lunges forward and tackles me to the ground, taking me by surprise. She grabs my hair, holding me to the ground. She slaps and hits me in the face repeatedly. I get a few good punches at her. I get up and she pushes me into a dresser, making me knock some things down and breaking them. I fall back on the ground and she gets back on me, punching me.

"They don't like you. They only pity you. Zayn even told me. They just want to help the less fortunate." She says. I stop fighting back and she sits on me holding me down.

"Th-They told you?" I stutter. They couldn't have. They wouldn't do that, right?

"Yea. Zayn told me not to tell you, but I thought it was pathetic. He said, and I quote, 'don't tell Megan, but were only her friend for publicity. They'll think we're helping her and think better of us. To be honest, she's kind of annoying.' and then Liam came down and they went to bed." She smirks.

"Th-I-You're lying." I say.

"Why would I lie about that? I don't know if Liam is in the plan but the rest are. Even innocent little Niall and Harry." She says.

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