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The car pulls up beside me and I walk to the other side of the sidewalk.

"Megan. Listen to me." He says, driving slow next to me.

"Leave me alone Matt. I don't want to see you again." I spit.

"Get in." He demands.

"No." I say, walking faster.

"Get the fuck in here right now Megan." He orders. I start running down the sidewalk. I get as much distance as I can between the car and I. I turn down a road and run.

"Get your pretty little ass in this car." He drives up ahead and pulls into the driveway. I stop and turn around to run the other way. I dart off but then I'm yanked back.

"Help! Help me!" I scream as he squeezes my ribs hard, making me gasp.

"I just want to talk." He strains as I struggle against his grip.

"Fuck off." I elbow him in the gut, making him groan in pain. I dash off, looking back and seeing him crouched over.

"I'm going to find you. You can't hide forever!" He yells and I keep running. I make it back to the boys' place and burst through the door, breathing heavy.

Oh god. Don't have an asthma attack. Jesus Christ.

"Megan? Where's your bag?" Liam asks coming up to me. I wave my hand and he comes running over as I collapse.

"What the hell happened?" He asks frantically.

"I-Ma-I ran." I spit out. I breath heavy and hear myself wheeze. Oh shit.

"I-" I try to gasp. I pat my chest and use a gesture for my inhaler.

"You need-what?" He shakes his head.

"What's going on?" Niall runs up.

"As-Asthma." I gasp.

"You have asthma?" He asks, shocked.

"Yea." I gasp between breaths.

"Wait. Hold on." Niall jumps up and runs up the stairs. I close my eyes, trying to breath. Trying to get the littlest amount of air in my lungs.

"Here!" Niall's feet stomp down the stairs. He runs up practically shoving his inhaler into my mouth. He pushes it down, releasing the chemical air into my mouth and I breath it in deep. I sigh and start to breath normal.

"Why were you running?" Liam asks, picking me up and carrying me to the couch.

"I-uh-" I stutter.

"Megan. Please tell me." He pleas.

"Uh-Well, my ex. He found me and a couple days after you and I met, he tried to make me forgive him. I told him to move on. But I guess he didn't." I say.

"Forgive him for what?" He asks curiously.

"For cheating on me on valentines day. I walked in on him and the head cheerleader." I sigh.

"Anyway, he drove by and tried talking me into getting in the car. So I ran and he pulled into the driveway ahead. I turned around and started running but he caught me. He tried getting me in the car but I elbowed him and got away, so I came back here." I explain.

"Who is he? What's his name." Liam stands up, practically steaming.

"Don't worry Liam. I'm fine." I say, standing up in front of him.

"But he might hurt you again." He says, looking me in the eyes.

"Liam. Don't. Worry." I place my hands on his shoulders.

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