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Dain's POV

I just thought I could use the chance to share about a video i've watched and it made me feel so sick in the stomach.

Basically, a girl was going to school when it was raining cats and dogs. She carried an umbrella, heading to elementary school.

It was when she met an uncle who was drenched and with a sickening smile, he asked if he could also use the umbrella. He then forced her into the toilet to do some sexual gross things and she refused.

He abused her, slapped her, kicked her, bite her, name it all. It results in the doctor having to remove part of her intestines. She was bleeding from head to toe and it was just such a disgusting move of that man.

He went to jail but 12 years along with 14 canings. Can you imagine? Your daughter being abused so badly, she can't live a normal life anymore but the abuser just received 12 years in jail along with 14 canings.

When her mom wanted to fight the judge, the little girl grabbed onto her mom's hand, telling her it's okay.

Let me tell you guys something.

It is an actual story that happened in Korea last time and the girl never live a normal life anymore due to fear as well as having part of her intestine removed.

Back to reality. " Aren't you going to school? " My grandma asked and I flipped to my phone, turning it on to see the time.


My eyes widened as I jumped out of bed in a hurry. I washed up and changed into my uniform after wearing my PE attire.

I did everything in a rush and managed to press the lift at 7:15AM. I'm not sure if you guys can relate to it but lifts are always so slow in the morning.

I only managed to get into the lift at 7:22AM which in another word means i'm dead.

I walked to school at fast speed. Literally life loves me so much, just as I got to the traffic light, the pedestrian lights turned red.

I cursed under my breath. I saw a figure standing beside me and I turned to see a classmate of mine who's staying in the same estate as the one i'm living in.

We walked really quickly to school. He walked ahead of me and I walked behind. We aren't close but we're in the same class for most of the lessons.

I looked over at the phone.


I'm somewhere near the gate but my long legs don't come in handy. I saw a familiar figure walking across the road and I turned to see Yoonbin and Hyunsuk.

I walked at a faster pace. When I reached the gates, the bell rang and I was literally cursing up, down, left, right.

Yoonbin looked over at me as he crossed the little pathway we have in school. I stared back and we practically just stared at each other for five seconds before I broke the eye contact.

I thought everyone was chill about being late so I was pretty chill too. We saw the discipline master standing at the entrance of the stairs to the hall, waiting.

My classmate started running and soon everyone ran including Yoonbin and Hyunsuk. I looked around me, there was not one person who's not running, wel there is, me.

I started running as well. I managed to avoid any late coming letter or any warnings.

When I reached the stairs, I saw Yoonbin leaning against the wall. He was staring at me with an indescribable look.

I turned away. The thought came into my mind, if I were to stand nearer to the hall, there's lower chance of me being late right?

Well, since the pathway of the stairs is pretty narrow so we were pretty much packed like sardines. Yoonbin and Hyunsuk were standing at the entrance so I had to push past the both of them to get there.

I was panting so hard.

When we got up to the hall, I was trying to stay alive. When it was accounting lesson, " We will be splitting the accounting class. " I was honestly sad.

After June, language class will be cancelled because we will be taking our national exam in June so we wouldn't be in the same class for any anymore.

Yoonbin's accounting is definitely better than mine so i'm pretty clear that we're gonna end up in different classes for accounting.

There's a part of me that's glad that we're in different class but it means I literally have no relation with him except being schoolmates.

Somehow, today I kept bumping into Yoonbin. Wherever I go, I would always see him even if it's changing of class and it's insane.

" Honestly i'm sad that we're gonna be in different classes. " I said to Eun and she smirked, poking me on my arm.

I smiled as I smacked her on the arm, " What. I trust you, so i'm just expressing my thoughts to you. " She giggles and I raised a brow.

We went for our lunch break and guess what? as I was queuing, Yoonbin came over and I saw him again.

When the last period came, I went to the washroom and I randomly turned around acting like a maniac, he walked down the stairs.

My friend and I went for a counselling session with the counsellor who's in charge of giving advice to students as to which school and subject they should go and take.

" Dain writes stories online! on an all called wattpad so I told her to go for a writing course but she didn't want to because she said she's not good enough, especially her english. " Jaera said and I was embarrassed to the core.

" Wow, you write stories? " I nodded in embarrassment. My friends are always the one boasting on my behalf while I, I just feel so embarrassed about it.

She smiled as she talked to me about the courses and the school I should join.

It suddenly hit me.

I'm graduating in a few months time.

No more Yoonbin, no more good friends here and probably after I've graduated, we go different ways, this book will probably come to an end as well.

29th April 2019

i'm getting all sad just thinking about graduating. i'm not ready for it, neither is my results. No more Eun bothering me, No more Eunchae and her cringe worthy actions towards me and No more Hana being that supportive friend and No more Yoonbin and his cold attitude :(

i'm gonna miss them all.

I have oral tomorrow D: and it's Hana's birthday tomorrow!!

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