"Hey you. How you doing?" I asked worried, she must've sensed this because she took her hand away from mine and put it on my shoulder.

"Stop worrying. I'm fine." She said soothingly.

"No you're not fi-"

"Yes I am." She took her hand and stroked it across my forehead. "When can we leave?" She asked quietly.

"Soon, I promise. You're gonna be staying with me for a while, is that okay?" I replied, just as quiet.

"That's better than okay." She grinned. She gripped onto my hand again and pulled me in for a tight hug until the others came into the room.

"Hey!" Josh smiled first, followed by everyone else's.

"Hi everyone." She yawned, smiling back.

They all went to her, hugging her. Well I'd like to say everyone...

"Where's Lucy?" I asked the guys, who were all looking around.

""I think she's still waiting outside." Ethan said. I looked back at Danielle who was staring up at me sadly. I think she thinks I'm gonna go to Lucy. She thought wrong. I went back and kneeled next to her again, holding her hand once more. I looked up at josh who nodded at me, smiling slightly.

"So that was a good party!" JJ said. Danielle grinned but the rest of us just stared at him as if to say 'really JJ? Really?'.

"Too soon? Okay then..." He finished. Danielle laughed and I chuckled slightly.

"Right! She's all ready to go. You," the male doctor said pointing at me with a couple of folded sheets of paper in his hand. "take this. Come back if you have any worries. But the drugs will be out of her system soon. And there isn't a lot of them so you shouldn't have any problems. The nurse told me that you put Danielle under your name, is that correct?" He asked.

"Um, yeah. I'm her emergency contact on the forms as well." I replied. The doctor nodded, finally he told us we could leave whenever, so we picked up our stuff and we walked Danielle to the car to take her back, Lucy following.


Danielle's POV:

When we got back, I decided I wanted to go straight to sleep. I was extremely tired. We sorted out the sleeping plans, I slept in Josh's room, Lucy slept in Simons room, and Simon and josh themselves slept in the living room together, on the sofas.

I'm pretty sure the others stayed up downstairs until about 11 ish maybe? I don't know, as I said before I went straight to sleep. It did give me time to think a bit before I went to sleep though.

Being spiked was weird, it was worse than being drunk and I've only been drunk once which was terrible and I never did it again.

At the beginning I just couldn't stop laughing for some reason. I don't know why, If anything I was petrified. It all happened in a blur. I started to forget what was going on, but I could hear Simons shouts in the background and the beats of the music. I've never fainted before then as well. It was a whole new experience, I guess.

But the thing that was running through my mind was, why was it me? I mean, I had a frickin lemonade. It just doesn't make sense to me. And where was Lucy during this?

What if this was her doing?


Josh's POV:

At about 12:00am everyone was either asleep or going to sleep. Except for me and Simon.

We were laying on separate sofas of course, but neither of us were particularly tired. So we decided to stay up and talk for a bit.

"So..." I said awkwardly.

"So..." He repeated me.

"Thank you for today." He said.

"What for?"

"For being there, I was panicking a lot and it's nice to know that you're there just in case. You know Danielle the best out of all the guys so I kind of need you." He said.

"It's okay. As long as you're there for her I'm fine. She needs YOU Simon. I just want her to be happy, she's been through so much." I smiled sadly.

"I know... I want her to be happy to." Simon said.

"Then we will make her happy." I chuckled. There was a pause for a while. It wasn't really awkward but it just made us think about dani. I feel sorry for her. She's lost so much.

"So what's going on with dani and Harry?!" Simon laughed.

"To be honest, I think he might have a thing for her."

"You think?" Simon grinned. It was most likely nothing would happen with Harry and Danielle right? I mean, he's 17, she's nearly 22. I think it's mostly because Harry's just gotten over his ex that he's going through some weird stages.

"Well I'm gonna get some sleep I think. See you tomorrow." I said drowsily. I heard I quiet good night from Simon as I drifted finally to sleep.

Nothing can happen between Harry and Danielle... Right?



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