Chapter 25

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Where is he? Where is Adonis?

I signed into my 1A teacher and walked out of the boys gym, searching for Adonis. As I was walking by the cafeteria windows, the power went out.

"Fuck," I whisper to myself.

Where is he?

I feel gold creeping into my vision. I don't know if it's because I want to protect Adonis or myself.

It helps find soulmate, the voice in my head says.

I don't question the voice, so I don't try to resist the gold. I look around, gold in my vision, and see bright white light in the cafeteria. I walk into the cafeteria, following the light.

"Adonis," I mumble, still following the light through the herd of people.

"Adonis," I say a little louder.

I see the white become even brighter and start moving towards me. When I can see him, the gold in my vision disappears and I run towards Adonis.

"Adonis," I say, and hold onto him tighter.

"Come on babygirl, lets get out of here," he says, taking my hand and leading me out of the crowded cafeteria.

We start walking in the direction of a staircase before I stop him.

"There is somewhere that is soundproof and only people with wings can get into," I say lowly. "It's safe."

Adonis looks at me and nods, letting me lead the way.

"Why were you emitting gold?" Adonis asks.

"I'm the Angel of Protection," I say.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say. "Protection, Vengeance, Bad Omens, Manipulation and Rage."

"Damn," he says. "I got a spicy one in my hands."

I chuckle but nod in agreement and open the door to the room Jason took me to when I first let my wings out. Everyone froze at the newcomers, like prey in the presence of a predator. I furrow my eyebrows and tilt my head.

"You have to let your wings out baby," Adonis mumbles in my ear.

I mumble, "oh," and nod, letting my wings out, Adonis doing the same, and everyone continues with their conversations. I look around, shocked at how many people I knew. Mike from economics, Pepper from creative writing, that Sarah girl and that Tom kid from Italian, Seth and Sam from rock and roll history, Lauren from gym, Dianne from math, Helen from history, Pete from biology and Claire from English.

"Claire?" I mumble to myself.

"Attention! Attention everyone!" A boy calls. He lifts himself in the air and continues to grab everyone's attention before speaking. "So what we're going to do is sit in a circle and introduce ourselves. Say our names, who our relatives are, what they're the Angel of, and our grade. Okay? Okay! Circle up!"

Everyone compiles and in about five minutes, everyone is sitting down. The boy that ordered us into the circle went first.

"My name is Thomas Harris," he starts. "My relative is Aanke, Angel of Freedom, and I'm a junior."

Mike went next. "Hi, my name is Mike Donovan, my relative is Arena, Angel of Honor and I'm a freshman."

"My name is Lauren Marshall, my relative is Distus, Angel of Rain and I'm a freshman," she says quietly.

"Hey, I'm Dianne Finn and my relative is Groselia, Angel of Fire and I'm a freshman."

"I'm Tom Dixon, I'm related to Mirna, Angel of Time and I'm a freshman."

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