Beginning Note

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Oh boy... Here we go. HERE. WE. GO! I am going to dig deep into the depths of my past and write out the worse, it's gonna get bad so prepare yourself. Although you might have guessed it just now then. If I hadn't have added this note you would've never known this is based off a true story... BUT, I wanted to add it. Also I wanna mention that YES I could've made this more accurate and used Nyotalia (since irl everyone I'll be replacing with aph characters were girls including me) Though I though F it and use the original ones! Good lord, if you're easily triggered, I would really suggest not reading at least chapters 8 and... The rest... Oh and once again I am so sorry for how I portray France in this, but like I said in the description, I dunno know who else to replace this person with!

(Sorrylastone: Some parts will obviously be changed from the original events because this is Hetalia after all lol)

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