Chapter Sixteen: "Safe and Sound."

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Catra, now wrapped with bandages on her head, left arm, waist, and neck, held onto Adora's hand as she lied there motionless in the bed of her room.  Glimmer and Bow both stood there watching carefully for any signs of life from Adora.  Bow was another close friend of Adora, and the best friend of Glimmer.  His skin was dark with black hair.  Just like Scorpia, his hair was a buzz cut.  His shirt was white with a red heart in the center, with his stomach showing.  He had golden yellow straps across his shoulders and chest.  His pants were blue, with a belt.  His shoes were white with red and golden trim.  He always had a bow and arrow with him at all times, it was his thing.  And just like Glimmer, he was worried sick for Adora.  Just watching her lie there made Catra's heart ache and burn.  She hated it, more than anything.  All she wanted was for Adora to hold her in her arms, and tell her everything was gonna be alright, but that was proven to be impossible for the time being.  Catra held Adora's hand tighter with each passing moment, wanting nothing more but for her to open her eyes, and smile at her with her gently smile that always made her shiver and gleam with love and affection.  Glimmer and Bow share a look before looking back at Catra, and seeing the look of concern glued onto her face.

"Thank you for being her back here."  Glimmer blinked at Catra.  

"It's fine.  Don't worry about it."  Catra fake smiled, in an effort to not show emotion in front of them.  But they knew better, they knew she was afraid for Adora.  They knew the two had history.  They knew the two cared for each other, but how much was still beyond them.  Seeing how they didn't know about their little kiss the night before.  Catra's ears flatten.  She was tired of waiting, tired of watching her love just lie there, tired of everything the two ever went through.  She hated it.  Hated the history of pain, and distrust.  She just wanted things to be back to normal when they were kids.  She wanted that so badly.  Ever ounce of her hated the fact that they were once at war.  She never wanted it, but she knew she had to do it.  

"Uggghh..."  Catra's eyes widen, a smile slowly growing on her face as Adora slowly opens her eyes, and turn her head to Catra.

"Catra?"  Catra nods at her.

"I'm here, Adora."  Adora offers a slight smile before turning to her other friends.

"Hey guys..."

"Adora!"  Both Glimmer and Bow shout as they wrap their arms around Adora's neck and waist, pulling her into a well needed hug.  Catra would have joined in if her side still didn't hurt.  But that didn't stop Adora from pulling her in anyway, but squeezing only gently as to not hurt her.  Catra blushed, and smiled into the hug, squeezing her back just as gently.  After the hug was over, Catra and Adora shared a warming smile, as to say 'Everything will be okay.'  But something was still bothering Catra, it waited her mind.  She had to know.

"Adora..."  She paused.

"How did you know I was in trouble?"  Adora places her hand on Catra's cheek, making her blush.

"Scorpia told me.  She heard you fighting with Hordak, so she came as fast as she could here to tell me.  She heard everything you told Hordak about me, and wanted to make things right between us."  Catra's eyes widen, her chest burned.  She quickly got up from her seat, and walked over to the window, about to jump once again.

"Catra, what are you doing!?"  Glimmer shouts.

"I have to make sure Scorpia is okay.  She risked her life for us, I have to know if she's alright!"  With that being said, with one swift movement, Catra leaps out of the window, and lands onto the bush below the window like the night before.  With being unharmed, she was able to move quickly out of Bright Moon and into the Whispering Woods.  She ran and ran as fast as her cat legs could carry her.  Her chest burned, her heart beating a million miles per hour, nothing was gonna stop her, she couldn't stop now, not after what her friend did for her.  She couldn't stop.  She wouldn't stop.  Chills ran up her spine as she finally reaches the Fright Zone once again.  Her mixed matched eyes quivered with fear at the site of the place.  Sure, she grew up there.  She still had the memories of Hordak first leading her there, and the first feelings she had when first setting foot in the place.  Those feeling from that day were flooding back, as if it was her first time there all over again.  Only this time, no comforting hand to hold, or red cape to keep her warm from the rain.  She was all alone.  She gulps as balls of sweat drip down her freckled cheek.  She swallows again before finally setting foot on the cold metal ground once again.  With each step she took, feeling of uneasiness soon fade, and her walking gets faster.  And faster.

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