Chapter Eight: "Crushed Dreams."

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The room was dark and cold, the floor shinning bright red, glowing, red staffs in hand of each child, green training pads on their chests, training has began.  Catra charges at Adora, her staff hitting hard against Adora's.  Catra goes for a hit, only to have it deflected by Adora's staff.  She goes for another blow, this time, Adora dodges.  Adora swings her staff right over Catra's head, she swings again, making Catra jump back.  Adora takes two more swings, but misses both times.  Smiling, she holds up her staff before Catra goes for a swing.  Catra charges at Adora, taking a big swing before Adora dodges it.  With the balls of her feet, Catra leaps into the air to land a hit, but misses and hits Adora's staff.   She swings over Adora's head. And right before Adora could land a hit, Catra places her clawed finger on her forehead, making her stop and stare at her counterpart.  Catra giggles as she pulls away, making Adora smile back at her.  Seeing her chance, Adora swings again at her friend, and just barely misses.  She takes another swing, only for Catra to leap up and kick the staff right out of Adora's hand.  Smiling, Catra goes for a hit, but Adora grabs her staff, and with one large thrust, she tosses her friend over her head, and on the cold, metal ground with a large thud.

"Ow!"  Catra cries.  Fearing she hurt her friend, Adora rushes to her side.

"Are you okay?"  She asks, hoping she didn't hurt her too badly.  But little did she know it was only to be fooled.  Smirking, Catra swings at Adora's legs,  making her fall on her back.  Quickly grabbing her staff back, Adora holds it up to her chest as Catra hits her staff against Adora's.  Adora looks over Catra's shoulder, and sees her other friend Lonnie coming up behind Catra, making her smirk.  Seeing this, Catra looks behind her, and sees Lonnie about to hit her across the side of the head.  Lonnie swings her staff just slow enough for Catra to deflect it with her staff, making her let Adora up on her feet.  Lonnie moves a few steps back, making Catra fall to her knees.  She looks up at Lonnie, her lips curled into a forever smirk, as she swings again at Catra.  Holding her staff high, Catra was able to deflect the blow, and leaps over Lonnies head, making her fall to her knees.  Seeing her chance, Catra holds her staff tighter and hits Lonnie's training pad, causing it to beep and flash a big, red "X".   Not even getting the chance to catch her breath, Catra turns around, and sees Adora charging for her.  Adora swings and Catra deflects the first blow, but the second was fetal.  With all her strength, Adora uses her staff to fling Catra's staff out of her hands, and hits her training pad, and just like Lonnie's, it beeps loudly, and flashes a big, red "X".  Catra falls on her back as the general smiles big.

"And there's our winner!" He chants.  The training room lights up once again, the red flooring was gone, and next to the blue lizard general was all of Adora's friends.  Kyle, Lonnie, and Rogelio.  Lonnie, and Kyle shared a similar smile, as if they enjoyed seeing Catra on the ground.  Adora smiles, and reaches out her hand to Catra, trying to help her up.  Catra grunts, and takes her hand, standing tall once again.  The general walks over to Adora, with a big grin on his face.

"Good work, cadet. I like your focus.  This win will definitely be reported back to Lord Hordak."  Adora smiles as Catra walks over to the other kids annoyed.

"What was that? Way to gang up on me!"  Lonnie blows her off, as she crosses her arms.

"You were fighting dirty, I was just leveling the fields."  Catra narrows her eyes, and grits her teeth at Lonnie, as if she wanted to land a bite on her head.  Seeing Catra's upset look, Adora walks over to her, and places a supporting hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down.

"Hey, you were awesome!"  She smiles at her friend.

"Did I hurt you?"  Adora asks in a more concerned tone, really afraid she didn't hurt her friend.  Catra on the other hand, smiled, and pulls her friend's hand away from her shoulder.

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