Chapter Eleven: "Missing You."

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The crickets were chirping quietly into the sky, as owls and other nightly bird hooted and chirped in search of friends to share the lovely sites of fireflies, and stars shining in the sky.  The sounds of night filled Adora's bedroom, as she stares out her open window, sitting on her window seal.  She sighs to herself as she looks up at the night sky, stars shinning brightly, and the three moons glowing across the sky.  Adora clenches her chest in pain through her white shirt.  Her chest burned, and ached with guilt, for she was seeing something her ex friend has always wanted to see.  The world's outer beauty.  She looked across the land, and all she could see was the plants and animals of nature.  Her heart ached more when she saw two female deer jump out of the bushes of the Whispering Woods, and touch noses in affection.  Adora grits her teeth, and gets up from her spot, walking over to her bed and flopping hard onto it.  She crosses her arms as she stares up at her ceiling, awhile still listening to the sounds of the night from her still opened window.  Adora's white long sleeved shirt practically glowed in the light of the moon.  Her gray pants how ever, not so much.  She looks down at her hands before speaking in a near whisper.

"Why do I do this to myself?"  She whispers to herself as she gets back up, and walks over to the window again.

"I know she doesn't want to come here, but still...."  She pauses before looking out to where the Fright Zone would be on the other side of the woods.

"Why do I feel like something will change her mind?"  She sighs again.


"Hey Adora, you okay in there?"  Adora snaps out of her trance when she hears the voice of her good friend, Glimmer.  She calls back to her through the door.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine.... Just... Just thinking about things!"  There was another pause before Glimmer replied. 

"Do you want to talk about it?"  Adora looks away from the door and out the window again for a moment, before turning back to the door.

"Yeah, I kinda do."  Without any signs of hesitation, Glimmer opens the door, and sits on Adora's bed, waiting for her to accompany her.  Adora wipes her face with her hand, and sits next to Glimmer.  Glimmer was Adora's good friend for a few months now.  She had short pink and purple hair with sparkles in her hair.  She had tan colored skin, along with a rather somewhat thick body.  She wasn't fat, but not super skinny either.  Rather right in the middle that suited her nicely.  Glimmer wore a light purple shirt with a large slit down the middle that started at the bottom up to her neck, and ended at the bottom of a blue gem.  Under the slit, her short dark purple pants could be seen.  She always had white finger less gloves on her hands that went up to her elbow on one side, awhile the other went all the way up her forearm, and ended at her left shoulder.  On that shoulder, she had a metal looking plate that covered her whole shoulder.  On her back, lied a blue and sparkly cape with a slit at the bottom.  Her boots were blue, and purple with a crescent moon on the tongues of the boots.  Her purple eyes stared back at Adora, awaiting her next move.  It didn't take too long.  Adora looks down at her hands before looking back at Glimmer.

"What's been on your mind, Adora?"  Glimmer asks concerned, placing a hand of support on Adora's shoulder.  Adora sighs for the third time that night.

"I've... Been thinking a lot lately."  Glimmer raises a brow.

"About what, or who?"  Adora looks back down at her hands.

"About, Catra."  There was a pause for a moment.  Glimmer blinks.

"Why have you been thinking about her?"  Adora bites her lip, as if she was thinking of the right words to say.

"I guess it's because I feel bad for her."  Glimmer blinks again.

"But why?  She tried to kill us all during the whole battle last month.  Why do you feel bad for her?"  Adora gets up from the bed, and walks over to the open window, resting her elbows on the window seal.

"Because I left her, Glimmer."  Glimmer walks over to Adora, unsure of what she meant.

"What do you mean, did you date her at some point?"  Adora's cheek flush a deep red, before she spins and faces Glimmer, shaking her open palms across her chest.

"No no no! Not like that!"  She panics.  

"I mean..."  Adora's chest started to ache again. 

"The two of us grew up together as kids.  We did everything together."  Adora's face starts to turn red again, a slight smile on her face as she recalls the memories she once had with Catra.

"Caused trouble, played the silliest games, pulled pranks on each other."  She giggles as she recalled one memory in particular. 

"I remember this one time, around bed time, I placed a green cucumber right by her tail on the bed, and she got so freaked out!  It was hilarious watching her jump like that!"  She laughs aloud thinking back to that day, before going on.

"All the drawings we drew, all those nights we spent together..."  She pauses before looking down in shame.

"All the dreams were shared..."  Her once slight smile changed into a deep frown.  Glimmer stands there quietly listening to Adora's recall.

"We both dreamed of one day leaving the Horde together, and exploring the world for as it was, and as it could be.  She even showed me a painting she made of us together exploring every forest, every grass land, every beach, everything there was too see.  We wanted to see it together..."  A single tear drips down Adora's face.

"And I was even afraid of her leaving when I first saw the painting.  I thought she wanted to go without me, and in the end, I was the one who ended up leaving her!" Adora's tears flowed all the way down her red cheeks, and dripped to the ground below her. 

"And that's what's killing me!  She promised she would never leave me, and I promised we would always have each other, and I broke my promise!  She did nothing wrong, it was all my fault!  It's my fault she hates me, and it's my fault she did what she did to Bright Moon!  It's all my fault!"  Adora drops to her knees, and places her hands over her eyes, crying into them.  Glimmer quickly rushes to her side, placing her hands on Adora's shoulders, trying to calm her down.

"Adora!  Don't say that!"  Glimmer shouts over Adora's weeping.  Adora looks up with blood shot eyes, and tears down her flushed face.

"But it's true!  And if I had the chance, I would tell her how sorry I am, and how much I miss her!  How much I miss our friendship!"  Adora weeps.  Glimmer was in shock, she didn't know what to say.  What could she say?  Glimmer soon got on her knees as well, and hugged Adora, and rubbed her back in an effort to calm her down.  Adora sniffs and wipes her tears away from her face, trying to clean herself up a bit.  The two looked at each other again, before sharing another hug. 

"I miss her so much..."  Adora whispers to Glimmer.

"I know..."  Glimmer replies back. But little did either of them know who was watching from afar, and who heard, and saw everything.  With tears down her freckled cheeks, and heat bombs in hand, she leaps out of the trees and makes her way back to her friend awaiting for her in the Whispering Woods.

Author's Note:

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