Chapter Fourteen: "Family."

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The morning sun was shining bright, and warm against Adora's skin as she slept the morning away cozy in her bed.  She grunts slightly, and pats her bed side, in search of the tail was held on dearly the night before.  Now fully awake, she searches for her friend, only to find her place on the bed was gone.  She turns her head in all directions, still she was no where to be found.  Suddenly, Adora hears Catra's voice by the window seal, but she wasn't talking, she was singing to herself.  Not even aware that Adora was up and awake.  Adora pulls up a near by chair, and listens to her singing friend, as she looked out the opened window in front of her.

"Honestly, it's time for honesty, my heart is on my sleeve, oh will you hear me out?"

"I got nothing left to give of me, I gave up everything so there, is nothing left to lose for me now."

"Will you forgive me somehow?"

"I chased a million things, bright lights and empty dreams."

"Now here I am, right where I thought I, wanted to be, I'd trade it all right now."

"Leave it all and lay it down, to get back to where I belong."

"Lord all I ever needed was her love..."

Adora listened to the words, and the more she listened, the more her chest ached and burned.  She knew what she meant.  She stayed quiet as the song went on.  Catra flicked her tail as she pulled out her Force Captain badge.

"Truth be told, I made this world my hope, I let it steal my soul, but now I want it back."

"Cause all I need is waiting in her arms, a place to hang my head, where I'm known at least."

"She's the one true thing I have."

"I chased a million things, bright lights and empty dreams."

"Now here I am, right where I thought I, wanted to be, I'd trade it all right now."

"Leave it all and lay it down, to get back to where I belong."

"Lord all I ever needed was her love."

"And I know that I was meant to be, more then just a melody, I know she had hopes for me."

"I hope she still believes in me..."

Adora sighs, and looks down at the ground for a moment.

"Of course I do..."  She whispered as Catra went on again.

"I chased a million things, bright lights and empty dreams."

"Now here I am, right where I thought I, wanted to be, I'd trade it all right now."

"Leave it all and lay it down, to get back to where I belong."

"Lord all I ever needed was her love."

"Lord all I ever needed was her love..."  Catra finally finishes her song, and wipes her eyes.  Adora gets up from her spot, and starts to clap, making Catra turn back at her, blush all over her face.

"Adora!  WOAH!" Catra panicked as she falls off the window seal, and onto Adora's bedroom carpet.

"Ow."  Adora giggles.

"You okay?"  She offers a hand to Catra.  Catra grunts and takes her hand, lifting her up from the ground, before being hugged to death by Adora.

"Woah, hello!"  Catra's eyes widen as Adora buries her face into her shoulder sobbing a little.

"Adora, what's wrong?"  Adora looks up, and wipes her tears away.


"But... You're crying..."  Catra wipes another tear away.

"It's not cause I'm sad, it's cause of the song you sang.  I knew you were singing about me, and..."  Adora blushes.

"It meant a lot to me that you would even say all that."  Catra's ears lowered as she blushes as well.

"Of course I did.  To be honest, you're like family to me, and I guess..."  She pauses.

"I guess that's why it hurt more when you left.  It felt like I was being left by my family again..." Adora's eyes widen, and holds Catra a little tighter, but making sure that she doesn't crush her with her strength.  

"I'm sorry... I didn't know you felt that way."  Catra sighs and finally hugs Adora back.

"Of course I did.  Back then, you were all I had.  Not even Shadow Weaver meant anything to me, you were my everything."  Catra rests her head on Adora's shoulder, and sighs.

"Back then, you promised that we would always have each other, and to watch each other's backs.  When you left, some of the other kids even told me to watch myself since you weren't there anymore.  Like they wanted to rub salt on my wounds.  And that night you were gone.... I cried..." Adora rubs the back of Catra's head, her fingers flowing through her mess of fur and hair as she tries to comfort her.  It made her quiver a bit at her touch.

"I'm sorry... I know you're sick of me saying it, but I don't what else to say..."  Catra looks up at her.

"Then shut up."  Adora's eyes widen as Catra leans in closer to her, Adora knew what she was doing.

"I thought you said it wasn't right...?"  Catra leans closer.

"You're right, and it still isn't... But now... I don't care."  Adora nods and leans closer to Catra as well.  And just like before, their foreheads touched, their lips centimeters apart.  Only this time, no one pulled back.  Catra places her hand behind Adora's head, pulling her closer, finally bring their lips together into a long over do kiss.  Adora holds Catra tighter, in an effort to keep her in place so she didn't run off if she got cold feet.  But luckily, she didn't.  The two could feel each other's heart beat.  Fast and pacing.  It was like the two were running in a race making their hearts beat as fast as they were.  But no race could ever make their hearts beat as fast as they were when together.  A few moments went by, and the two didn't move, it was like time stood still when their lips finally touched.  Catra pulled out Adora's pony tail, running her clawed fingers through her blonde hair.  Adora quivered, and held Catra tighter, deepening the kiss.  Catra blushed deeper, and was the first to move away, making Adora move away as well.  With blushing faces, and rapid heart beats, the two look into each other's eyes, wondering where to go from here.

"Well.... That was..."  Adora starts.

"Nice?" Catra looks away from Adora.

"Yeah.  It really was."  A moment of silence fell between the two girls, the only thing that could be heard in the room was the birds by the window singing their sweet tunes.  Adora rubs the back of her neck, and sighs, taking hold of Catra's hand.

"Does this mean you'll stay...?"  Catra looks down at their hands, and sighs as well.

"I'll come back for you... I promise.."  With a sudden burst of energy, Catra lets go of Adora's hand, and jumps out of the window, landing on a bush below.

"CATRA!"  Adora rushes to the window, and sees her in the bush.  She holds her chest, and sighs of relief.  Catra calls up to her again.

"I'LL COME BACK, I PROMISE!"  Catra rushes out of the bushes, and into the forest, in fear of being seen by the Bright Moon guards.  Leaving Adora by herself watching her love run away into the woods she feared so much.  She held her chest again, and sighed.

"I know you will, Catra... I know you will..."  

Author's Note: 

The song used was "All I Ever Needed" by AJ Michalka (AKA Catra's Voice actor)

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