Chapter Thirteen: "Only for A Night."

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Adora's tear filled eyes were wiped over and over by Glimmer's tender hand, but no matter how hard she tried, the tears just kept coming. Glimmer rubs Adora's back in support, trying her best to sooth her weeps of heart break.

"Shush, it's gonna be okay, Adora." She whispered to her.

"I know... I... I just wish things could be like they were between us." Adora chokes out. Glimmer holds her closer, and pats her back again. She didn't know what to do. What could she do? Glimmer sighs again, as Adora looks up at her with eyes full of sorrow. Glimmer's chest started to ache. She hated seeing her friend in so much pain, but all she could do was sit there, and comfort her. But unknowingly to both Adora and Glimmer, on the ground below them, Catra made her way back to the castle after talking to Scorpia, and hides away in the near by bushes. She peaks her head out slightly, and listens carefully for anyone close by.


Catra quickly covers her head again as she sees and hears the Bright Moon guards making their nightly rounds around the castle. Catra grunts as she watches them walk past her. Seeing her chance, she quickly leaps out of the bushes, and runs over to the castle wall. She sighs, and extends her long, black, sharp claws from her fingers, and starts to climb up the castle wall, leading to Adora's room window. Once she was finally up, she looks in, and smirks slightly, before rests on the window seal. She watches them hug for a moment, before breaking the silence.

"Wow, they sure do spoil you here, Adora." Glimmer and Adora look up, with looks of shock of their faces when they see Catra there watching them. Adora's tears soon dried up as Glimmer spoke up in an annoyed tone.

"What are you doing here? Come to cause more trouble?" Catra simply smirks at Glimmer's comment as her eyes wondered to the sad Adora she had in her arms.

"I'm not here to cause trouble." Catra smirked.

"Then why are you here?" Glimmer grits her teeth, not believing Catra. Catra lowers her eyes to Adora once again.

"I wish to speak to Adora." Glimmer didn't move.

"Alone..." Catra's ears lowered, her voice deepened, and her claws extended. She wasn't playing around, and Glimmer knew this. Her eyes widen when she got a look of Catra's claws. she gulps, and slowly released Adora from her hold, backing away slowly.

"Okay, okay. But I'll be outside if you need me." Glimmer backs away again until she was out of the room, leaving Catra and Adora by them selves. Adora gets up from the ground, and opened her mouth as if to say something, but Catra beat her to it.

"Don't think for a minute that I didn't see or hear everything here." Adora's eyes widen, a hint of blush across her face.

"You.... You saw all of that...?" Catra smirks slightly and nods.

"Everything. Down to what you said about me not doing anything wrong." Catra starts to laugh to herself, as she rests her hand on her forehead.

"It amazes me really. You say I didn't nothing wrong, when really, I did a lot of things wrong." Catra pulls out her fingers, and starts to point out and name every bad deed she has committed to Adora and her friends.

"I kidnapped your friends Glimmer and Bow, and cursed one of them, I left you for dead in the Beacon, I tried to take over Bright Moon, I tried to get you to come back to the Horde, and I made you cry just now. If you ask me, I've done plenty of bad things." Adora shakes her head, with new tears in her eyes.

"But you wouldn't have done all those things if I never left you." Catra grunts under her breath. Getting up from her spot, she leaps over to Adora, landing inches away from her face.

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