Chapter Twelve: "Afar."

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Shadows, voices, things moving on their own, was all Catra and Scorpia could experience as they walked into the unforgiving Whispering Woods before them.  Sounds of the night filled Catra's sensitive ears, as she looks in all directions of the woods.  Scorpia on the other hand, was too busy admiring the beauty of nature around her, with her head buried in a patch of pink and blue flowers, breathing in heavily, trying to get as much fragrance as possible.  Catra's tail flicked at the slightest sound, trying her best to stay on her toes, not wanting to let her guard down for a single moment.  She knew what those woods were like.  She knew that you could easily get over powered by something or get lost and walk in circles for hours the moment you lose focus.  Catra closes her eyes, and sniffs the air.  

"Something smells sweet."  She whispers as she opens her eyes.  Only to see that Scorpia put a flower under her nose, making her smell it.  Catra grunts and pushes Scorpia's claw, holding the flower, out of her face. 

"Scorpia, we have to stay focus.  If we don't pay attention, we'll get lost, or worse."  Scorpia rubs the back of her neck, and smiles sheepishly, almost embarrassed.  Catra rolls her mixed matched colored eyes, and walks past her.  She sniffs the air again, this time, it was the sent of a horse.  An evil grin forms on Catra's face as she remembered that Adora had a horse of her own.

"We're getting close already.  I can smell it."  Catra's predatory eyes faced more out word then normal.  Meaning, she was in hunting mood.  No reason, no means of mercy, no nothing could stop her now.  Scorpia takes a small step back after watching Catra's eyes turn.

"Where are we even going, Catra?"  Scorpia asks in a near whisper.

"Bright Moon, Scorpia.  I know the perfect place to put the heat bombs, and it's around Bright Moon."  Catra purrs with laughter as Scorpia shoots her a look of surprise before smiling.  Catra sniffs the air again, the sent was stronger.

"We're getting closer."  With one leap into the air, Catra finds herself leaping from tree to tree, in search of a better view point.  And she got just that.  Settling in a tall tree, with purple and pink leaves, she sits in a pouncing position on one of the branches, her tail hanging down it's side.  She looks ahead of her, and sees an open window, with Adora looking out it.  Catra smirks again.

"Hey Adora~"  Catra whispers to herself, careful not to make anyone notice her.  She quietly pulls out one of her heat bombs from her pocket, and lets it rest in her hand.  Awaiting the perfect moment to throw it.  She listened carefully, making sure that the cost was clear.  With a single motion, she lifts her arm, and gets ready to toss the heat bomb, when she suddenly heard Adora speak.

"Why do I do this to myself?"  Catra raises a brow to the question, and relaxes her arm, listening in.

"I know she doesn't want to come here, but still..."  There was a pause.

"Why do I feel like she'll change her mind?"  Catra's faced out words eyes go back to normal as she hears a knock, and another voice.

"Hey Adora, are you okay in there?"  It was one of Adora's friends.  Adora stutters, trying to give an answer.

"Y-yeah!  I'm fine... Just... Just thinking about things!"  Adora calls out to the door.

"Do you want to talk about it?"  There was another pause before Adora spoke up again.

"Yeah, I kinda do."  Just then, Adora's friend Glimmer opened the door, and sat on Adora's bed that was in site of the window.  Adora walks over to the bed and sits right next to Glimmer.  

"What's been on your mind, Adora?"  Glimmer asked concerned for her friend.  Adora blinks.

"I've... Been thinking a lot lately."  Glimmer raises a brow.

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