Chapter 1

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    "Ya I know Pidge." Keith sighed as he tried to balance his cell phone between his chin and his shoulder as he drove down the road. The road was completely empty, not another car, or living being in sight. There wasn't even a tree. Just miles and miles of fields and fences with an endless black line cutting through.

    "No you don't know." Katie Holt, the girl known as Pidge growled into the phone. There was a pause then a long sigh, and Keith could practically see Pidge pushing up her glasses in thought. "It's just..." another pause. "'re going to be alone Keith. I know you wanted a new start where no one knew you, but, eventually, you're going to have to talk about it."

     Keith sucked in a breath and held it there. Pidge was walking on dangerous ground, but he knew she wouldn't had said anything if she hadn't thought it was important. Despite that....

    "Pidge I've gotta go, I need google maps to tell me when to turn off this road." He said shortly.

    "Keith..." Pidge began in protest, but Keith simply smiled, his closed lip, strained, reassuring smile.

    "I'll call you later." He reassured, and with that he ended the call and plugged his new address into his phone.

    "In 10 miles take the next right on Hill street south east."

    "Thanks Siri."


     Caos. That was what would describe Lance's morning. It had all started that morning at work with the Johnson's german shepard, Max. Max was a regular in Lance's clinic, so the cuban wasn't that surprised to get a call from the Johnsons saying poor thing had gotten in a fierce fight with a porcupine, and lost. However, removing the quills was half the battle, the dog had taken off before Mr. Johnson had the chance to take Max from Lance, and the dog had completely destroyed the Johnson's  kitchen.

    You see the problem was, the Johnson's were supposed to host the Neighborhood's monthly barbeque, but no kitchen no barbeque. So, Lance being the nice, charming man he was offered to have it at his place, and now he had the entire neighborhood crowded in his backyard.

   "Oh hijo." Lance's mother chuckled as she wrapped an arm around Lance's tall, thin frame. "I don't know why you get yourself into these situations, but I'm glad you do. Everyone is so happy."

    The two looked fondly out to the small fenced yard crowded with people. The kids, mostly Lance's nieces and nephews, were running around and everyone was chatting and laughing together, filling the backyard and the house.

    "Well then there goes the neighborhood." Lance's grandmother suddenly exclaimed.

     "Abuelita, what do you mean?" Lance asked over hearing her conversation with Dave Johnson. 

     "Oh she's just mad because Alfor's old house finally sold." Dave chuckled as he sipped a glass of lemonade. Dave was a real estate agent.

     Alfor's house was the old white abandoned house next door to Lance, barely separated by a thin wooden fence. Alfor had been the town's mayer as long as anyone could remember, but the man had died two years ago, and it had begun to seem like no one was going to move in. Lance hadn't even heard anyone mention they had bought the house, and Lance knew everyone.

    "Really?" Lance asked. "Who bought it?"

     Dave chuckled. "Oh you don't know him."

    Lance rolled his eyes playfully. "Dave. I know everybody. As long isn't Paddy Migoogelstein from the bank it'll be fine." Lance reached for a cup and began to poor himself a glass of punch, silently wishing it was something stronger.

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