Chapter 2

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The sun peeked through the widows of the Kogane house but it was the song I Can Make Your Hands Clap playing again and again from Keith's phone that woke him up from his comfortable position in his sleeping bag. Keith grabbed his phone, answered and growled. "Whaaat."

"Morning sleeping beauty!" Pidge screeched through the phone.

"Good morning Pidge." Keith mumbled.

" was your first day?" Pidge asked with the tone that said she wasn't talking about the house, but Keith didn't want to answer what Pidge was really asking.

"The day was fun actually I have a pretty cool neighbor, Lance, and he invited me over for the neighborhood barbeque. It was a lot of fun I liked the guy named Hunk, he was nice but Lanc's grandmother scares the shit out of me." Keith ran his hand over his face before cracking his stiff back. "It was funny actually, Lance looked like he was going to die the more his grandma kept talking. Oh, and he's a veterinarian so I'll have someone for Red when the movers bring her."

"So this Lance." Pidge smirked. "Is he cute?"

"Pidge." Keith groaned, flopping back onto his pillow.

"Is. He. Cute?" Pidge demanded.

Keith rolled his eyes knowing Pidge would never let it go. "He's like a F-ing god. He's got a killer body, like abs killer. His ass looked like De Vinci carved it from marble, and his eyes. Pidge his eyes look like someone captured the color of joy and put it in his eyes." Keith allowed himself to drool a little, but just a little. Keith knew he couldn't handle a relationship right now. Sure he could appreciate a fine ass, but he wanted it to mean something. He wanted to be able to be there for his partner, and right then it wasn't a good time.

"Oh you've got it bad." Pidge chuckled. "You know a relationship wouldn't be the worst thing."

"You know why I can't do that Pidge. It wouldn't be fair to him." Keith snapped. Every month they went through this. Pidge was convinced Keith needed to start dating, and Keith was convinced that dating would only cause problems.

"It happened again last night didn't it?" Pidge sighed. Keith could practically hear her concerned eyes looking into his soul.

Keith took a deep and held it. "Ya Pidge. Sorry."

Pidge scoffed over the phone. "Don't fucking apologize moran."

"Language Ms. Holt." Keith poked. He heard a bitter laugh come from the other side of the phone.

"You sound just like him you know."



That morning could not had been worse for Lance. He woke up late because his phone died so his alarm never went off. He didn't have any coffee grounds so no morning coffee, and now that he was 15 minutes late, he was sprinting towards the door sliding on his shoes. After what had seemed like forever, Lance finally flopped into his car and turned the key to go to work.

Nothing happened. The car sputtered and died, coughing up thick black smoke from the hood after it loudly backfired.

"No no no! Come on Debby Richardson not today I've got to perform a Diaphragmatic herniorrhaphy today!" Lance was doomed. He had known his car was on the verge of dying but he hadn't expected it to actually die. Oh this was awful.


After getting off the phone with Pidge, Keith had begun cleaning. He started simple with dusting, then scrubbed the floors, fixed the creaking floor boards, opened the windows, and emptied the mouse traps. He was about to start sanding down the cupboards to repaint when he heard a car backfire.

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