Home At Last (Yoongi x Reader)

Start from the beginning

Hoseok closed the door and you made your way to Yoongi, giving him a small hug in his chair. He didn't look at you, but his face started to heat up. You tilted your head and put your hand on his forehead, "Yoongi, you're heating up. Are you okay?" You asked, worried.

He nodded, still not looking at you but taking your hand off his forehead. He held your hand tightly as he looked at you. He smiled softly, leaning in to leave a small kiss on your lips.

As his lips brushed yours, you felt yourself begin to blush. He pulled away and looked at his computer, clicking on a file. "(Y/N)," he started, making you look at him. "This... This is something that I made for you."

Before you could say anything, he started to play a song. The music was soft as it started, already warming your heart. But as soon as you heard your boyfriend's raspy voice start to sing gently, you felt tears build in your eyes.

As the song continued, you started to quietly cry at each lyric. It was the most beautiful song you've ever heard. And it was made by the love of your life.

When the song finished, Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I-I know the lyrics are a bit cheesy but-"

You stopped him by throwing yourself on him, pulling him in for a sweet kiss. He was surprised, but kissed back right away.

When you pulled away, you leaned your forehead against his. "I'm gonna assume that you liked it," Yoongi said, chuckling.

You laughed, too. "I didn't like it, I loved it. And the lyrics were perfect. More perfect than you could ever imagine."

Yoongi smiled brightly, "I'm happy to hear that."

It was quiet for a minute, both of you leaning on each other and enjoying each other's presence. "I love you, (Y/N)." Yoongi suddenly said, breaking the silence.

"I love you, too, Yoongi." You said, kissing him again. You both stayed in the studio together for the rest of the night, talking and laughing, sometimes sharing small pecks here and there.


You felt a tear escape your eye as you thought about that day. It wasn't too long after did he propose to you. That was another thing that you could never forget. The setting and how everything was planned. Another song he wrote playing as he went down on one knee.

You looked at the ring on your finger, remembering the beginning of the wedding plans. But you never got around to finishing them, since a comeback was approaching for the boys. Which meant holding off wedding plans for a few months.

You finally got home, getting all your things and going to the door. You were looking for your keys until you noticed that the door was slightly ajar. You slowly opened the door, eyes widening at the sight.

Flowers and streamers were decorated around the house. A few candles were lit and the lights were dimmed. You put your things down and walked more into your house, going into the living room. You gasped when you saw an all too familiar figure waiting with flowers in his hand.

"Hey baby, you're finally home." Yoongi said, his smile being the brightest thing in the room.

You felt tears about to fall and you ran to him, encasing him in a tight hug. He chuckled and hugged you back equally as tight, "I missed you." He whispered, kissing your head.

You couldn't hold back anymore and let the tears fall. You couldn't believe that he was finally here, right in front of you.

You pulled away and looked at him. His hand cupped your cheek and his own tears began to fall. He leaned in and pressed his lips against yours softly. You put your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you tighter.

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