Chapter 42: Leo

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(listen to the song on the side during the chapter!)

Chapter 42: Leo


            LEO DOESN’T DO WELL UNDER PRESSURE. When he saw Piper striking out towards Tartarus, he knew he had to act within seconds or watch one of his best friends die. He wasn’t very good at making sudden decisions, so naturally he panicked.

            “No, Piper!” Leo, who could barely stand, felt a rush of adrenaline. He moved faster than she did, launching himself at her back after she only took a few steps. He felt her fall forward, and he fell on top of her. She was struggling against his hold so he locked her arms behind her back. He felt like a cop as he grabbed her knife, holding her down. “It’s not worth it!”

            “Let me go!” Piper sobbed. She still struggled, strong enough to buck him away from her back. He grabbed her torso, still holding her back. “Leo, don’t touch me!”

            Tartarus laughed manically, the sound enough to give Leo goose bumps. I feel that you two have had enough suffering. I think it may be time to end you.

            Leo did the rational thing: he started yelling for help.

            “No! Help us!” Leo had nothing he could do. What could he do? The rest of his friends were sixty feet above him, probably still battling Phoitos. It was hopeless.

            Despite this, Leo raised his fist in the air. He blasted a fireball straight up, watching as another chunk fell from the cavern roof. He was still grabbing onto Piper, but she wasn’t struggling. She was shaking like crazy, still gripping her knife with tears rolling down her cheeks. He couldn’t blame her; Leo was fighting back his own grief towards Jason.

            “Help us, please!” Leo yelled again, though it wasn’t going to work. Piper joined into his screaming. The two of them backed away as Tartarus started to stalk forward.

            Ha, do you really think someone will come to your aid? Tartarus demanded. Face it. You two are already dead. It’s hopeless.

            “Leo!” Leo’s head snapped up, watching as his friends seemed to levitate from the opening in the roof. They all looked injured, just not as bad as Leo and Piper probably did. Hazel’s eyes were wide, her mouth still open after calling his name.

            “Tartarus,” Annabeth breathed. Her gray eyes had never looked so afraid. Leo thought she was going to faint for a moment. Percy’s face mirrored hers.

            “What happened?” Piper managed to say, her eyes still on Tartarus. Tartarus was now looking at the four other demigods in disbelief.

            “Juno,” Frank answered in a breathy voice. Leo then noticed the hooded goddess behind the group. “She helped us kill Phoitos…” Hera, or Juno, looked tiny compared to Tartarus. She seemed to be shrinking back into the shadows. “Juno, can you please- Juno?” And with in a blink of the eye, the goddess was gone.

            Hera has left, Tartarus cried out in glee. She knows that nothing will be able to save you now. Oh, my two favorite demigods have returned. This time you cannot escape.

            Annabeth’s mouth dropped open. Her face was taking on a greenish tint. Percy stepped partially in front of Annabeth, revealing his sword. “We’re stronger now,” he snarled. “And we have our friends.”

            “Have you not seen Jason Grace?” Tartarus backtracked, grabbing the collar of Jason’s shirt and lifting up his limp body. Piper whimpered from beside Leo. “He has fallen already. He was among the strongest. What will you do now?”

            Everyone’s face was filled with terror. It was obvious that nobody had suspected that Jason would die. Leo was still in shock himself. From the heavy breathing coming from Piper’s trembling body, she was in shock still as well.

            “Jason,” Hazel whispered. Leo could have sworn to see tears well up in her eyes.

            Tartarus cackled, once again throwing Jason’s body to the ground. It is quite the shock, isn’t it? A hero so… strong should not fall. My wife desperately wanted him as a fighter. He would have done well.

            “He never would have joined you!” Piper screamed, once again straining forward. Leo grabbed her arm, holding her back.

            Who said he wouldn’t have? You are losing. I would have joined if I were him. Tartarus waltzed near the pit, close to Jason’s body. Gaea should be making her appearance soon. It is almost time for her to awake… I wonder who she will want to kill for herself.

            Leo wanted to cry. If he really was about to die, he would never go back for Calypso. He broke a promise. The astrolabe was finished and everything. All he needed was to stay alive for a little bit longer.

            “You won’t kill us,” Frank yelled. “We were destined for this! We won’t go down without a fight!”

            Son of Mars, such a brave soul, Tartarus remarked. The son of Jupiter didn’t go down with much of a fight and now he’s gone.

            At that, Piper screamed. It was a wordless shriek of pure anger and pain. Leo could see the flames inside her eyes, see her body tense. After seeing Jason fall, she must have been so freaking close to breaking that it was crazy.

            Frank looked at Percy, questioning, “Make the big guy go boom time?”

            Percy gave a wicked look which made him look slightly insane. “Boom time,” he clarified. He looked at everyone, nodding, and somehow Leo understood what he meant. “Is it time for the boom?”

            “It’s time.” Annabeth was gritting her teeth. Everyone had tensed while Tartarus stood there, for the first time completely silent.

            Leo understood completely. They were about to fight Tartarus himself and they would probably die trying. They had to avenge Jason, who should be fighting among them now.

            “Win or die trying,” Percy said almost silently.

            And with that, the demigods attacked Tartarus.

A/N: another cliffhanger. don't you love me?

this chapter is dedicated to camp_hero!

I chose Demons by Imagine Dragons for Leo because he's had such a hard time this series. it fits completely. I just really love Leo and am seriously hoping Ricky lets him have a happy ending (:

IF YOU THINK THIS IS DRAMATIC, WAIT FOR THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS. (specifically the next two... things are about to get hella intense. and yes, I did say 'hella intense' because IT'S TRUE.)

thanks for reading, guys! we are so close to the end of this story I'm going to cry. love you all!

- Megan <3

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