Chapter 10: Percy

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Chapter 10: Percy



            It would have been extremely strict and serious, but everyone was stuffing food in their mouths. The seven had a busy day, which meant everyone must have been starving.

            Percy would have usually been scarfing down his taco, but he was too busy concentrating on Hazel. She was sitting at the head of the table, eating saltines from her bowl. She said the saltines helped her stomach, so she had them next to her soup. She was sitting at the head of the table because she had important news about the giants.

            Though everyone was eating, Percy could tell everyone was anxious for the news. Annabeth was tearing pieces of her tortilla away from her taco, her gray eyes focused on Hazel. Percy knew the look on her face. She was becoming impatient.

            Frank cleared his throat, reaching forward and taking Hazel’s hand. “What news do you have to tell us?” he asked gently.

            Hazel’s golden eyes were guarded, almost scared. She set down her spoon, breaking a saltine in her fingers. She sat still and silent for a long moment.

            “Like I said, Hecate spoke to me,” she said quietly. “She said there are no more crossroads. It doesn’t matter what we do. What’s happening right now is inevitable.”

            Everyone was silent for a moment. Percy swallowed, preparing himself for what Hazel was going to say.

            “Hecate said there isn’t enough time for us to kill all the giants.” Hazel clasped her hands. “There are twelve giants for us to kill.”

            “What do you mean there isn’t enough time?” Jason questioned, his eyebrows pulling together. “I think we can kill them all. Tomorrow will be twelve days until the first. I think that’s enough time.”           

            “Well, there is one way.” Hazel grimaced. “Hecate thinks we should split up.”

            There was only a heartbeat of silence before everybody started yelling.

            “What? That’s a horrible idea!”

            “We can’t split up. Every time we split up, something bad happens.”

            “I can’t… We won’t do anything right if we’re apart!”

            Hazel held up a hand, and everybody silenced. “It’s the only way,” she insisted. “Now, Hecate made it clear what needs to be done.”

            Her golden eyes focused on Percy. “Polybotes is the only giant that isn’t in Athens. He’s in the Temple of Poseidon in Cape Sounion.”

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