Chapter eleven

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“I know. Now let’s go limbo in our roller-skates!” I say as I tugged on David. He shook his head, but followed behind me into the rink. Once in the rink I immediately grabbed ahold of the railing because damn was the floor slippery. I then turned around to face David and held onto his arms with a death like grip. 

“Aurora, I’m going to have to ask ease up. I think my arm is beginning to bruise.” He said with a slight laugh. I nod and ease my grip, but still maintain a good distance incase I need to hold onto something. 

“See, it’s not that hard, is it? How about I just give you a slight push?” He said as he placed his hand on my back. I gulped and nodded. I gave a silent to the Gods above when I felt myself move forward. 

“Aurora, you need to open your eyes to see where you’re going!” Yelled David from behind me. Oh, right. I slowly opened both my eyes and found myself not going that fast and it was surprisingly easy. Man, why hadn’t I done this before? It was like gliding. I turned back around and skated my way to David how had the proudest look on his face. 

“You’re a pro! Come on let’s go around the rink.” He said as he begin skating off. I followed and the two of us talked. We talked about the little quirks my dad has to just generally getting to know one another. I truly liked David. He was just like my dad is so many ways, but also a little different. And most importantly, he was in love with my dad which couldn’t make me happier. Just as we were in the middle of talking an announcer came and the lights in the rink dimmed. 

“Are you ready to limbo?” asked the announcer in an utterly low tone while a colorful disco ball lowered from the roof. David gave me a nudged and gave a questioning look towards the two people in the middle holding the limbo bar.  

“Why not?” I yell over the music that started playing and the two of us limboed our way out of the rink.


I unlocked the front door and David and I talked while walking through the house to the kitchen, where my dad was currently sitting and reading the paper. He looked up and found us laughing.

“Where did you guys go?” He asked folding up the paper and placing his chin in his hand. 

“David took me roller skating.” I said nonchalantly and shrugged my shoulder. 

“Wait, you took my daughter roller skating?” My dad asked quizzically at David. David nodded in response.

“My daughter doesn’t do much physical movement and she definitely would never do roller skating. She hates it. So where did you guys really go?” He said. I placed my hand over my heart and looked offended at him. 

“Hey, I do physical movement. Remember that time I ran the mile?” 

“That doesn’t count, Aurora. You were forced to do it if not you would have failed gym.” I gave my dad that point. 

“We really did go to the roller skating rink. Aurora is actually really good.” David said as he placed his arm around my shoulder. I looked at my dad with a smug look. 

“You’re serious? Oh. Well I guess I take back what I said. Oh, and Aurora? Before I forget, a special someone called for you.” I looked at him a little confused.


“You’re special someone!” My dad emphasized more, as if that would suddenly make me aware what he was talking about. 

“Dad, come on. Who called?” I asked. 

“Theo.” I blushed a deep scarlet color. That’s who my dad was referring to as my ‘special someone’. 

“Okay, cool. I guess I’ll call him back. Um, so I’m going to head up.” I said as I ran out of the kitchen to avoid any questioning. I ran up the flight of stairs and dropped my bag onto my bed and fished out my phone. Dialing up Theo’s number, I waited for him to pick up. 

“Hi, Aurora.” He said in a smooth tone. It had barely been a couple of hours but I was already missing him and his voice. 

“Hi.” I said in a rather breathless tone. That was because I was a little out of breath from running up the stairs and hearing Theo’s voice. 

“So, I’m guessing your Dad told you I called?” He asked. 

“Yeah, so what’s up?” 

“I wanted to know how the roller rink went.” He said and I swear he was wearing a smug look on his face at the moment.

“You didn’t tell me and almost made me die. You know I hate roller skating!” I said scolding him, but in a joking tone. 

“Hey, you had to get over your fear of roller skating sooner or later, so I made it sooner. I actually helped you at, Aurora. You should be thankful.” I rolled my eyes. 

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. But David did really help a lot. He held me, making sure I didn't fall.” 

“So is he family to you?” Theo asked and I paused to think. Technically, David and my dad weren’t married but they have lived so long together it already felt like family to them. But to me, who just met David two days ago, it was a little new. However, after today and placing my trust in him and seeing how he really cared for me like I was his own daughter I couldn’t think of him as someone else. 

“Yes. David is family.” I said with a smile. 

“There is no love better than family love because you know they’ll always be there.” 

“I agree. I guess this one is another adventure of love. Just one without you. It was actually better.” I said biting my lip as I said that comment, trying to hold back my laughter. 

“Hey! The adventures of love with me are so much better, and you know it!” And I had to admit, they were better. I got to be close to Theo and just be with him. 

“Oh, I wanted to ask you something. Did you not like the apple pie I got for lunch?” I ask fiddling with my a strand of my hair. 

“No. Why do you ask?” 

“Well I over heard you saying that you weren’t in love with apple pie to Ashley.” I said. I heard Theo do that nervous laugh he had done before. 

“No, no. I love apple pie. I was telling her something else. You didn’t happen to hear the rest of the conversation, did you?” He asked. I could the anxiousness in his tone. 

“No. Why is there a secret I’m missing out on?” I asked, sitting up eager. 

“Yes, I mean no. It’s not a secret, it’s just. It’s nothing Aurora. Go to sleep. You need to sleep. You need to get up early tomorrow.” He said. 

“Why am I getting up early? I don’t get up early unless there is a fire.” I said groaning at the thought of getting up. 

“Well don’t you want to go on another adventure of love, but this time with the lovely Theo Simmons?” I laughed in response. 

“Fine. Good night, Theo.” 

“Night, Rory.” 


Hey guys,

omg i updated. after like 5 billion years. I'm such a little shit. like im the worst author to ever exist.  Im sorry for the lack of updates, its my junior year of high school or what grade that is in your country (like sixth form for all yall british/aussies out there) and here in america its like the year that decides college and life in general. I will be super busy until like decemeber, but ill try my best to sneak in updates :) After decemember i'm all yours :)

thank you so much for sticking with me and my horrendous writing schedule and my not-so-amazing writing. It literally means the world to me that people like what I write. 

Vote, comment, fan! 


Alex :)

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