𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘦𝘯

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But it was only for a moment.

"Sorry, Jiminie," he sighed. "I don't. . . I can't tell you." He must have seen the disappointment on my face because he averted his gaze. I could tell how anxious he was on the topic. That only made my curiosity grow. What happened between him and Jungkook?

"It's okay. I understand," I told him gently and then changed the topic. "Why did my head stop hurting?"

"I gave you some pain killers," he responded simply and then hesitated. He bit his bottom lip for a moment and then carefully asked, "Did you have a nightmare while you were passed out?"

I frowned at him out of confusion. Why would he ask that? "Why?"

Seokjin fiddled with his sleeves as he answered, "You were shaking in your sleep. Flailing around, actually. We had to tie you down because you were becoming a danger to yourself."

My eyes grew wide. I tried to move my hands and legs but found that they were restrained at the wrists and ankles. I looked and saw clothing items tying them to the posts of the bed. "I. . ."

"You were also screaming, but only for a little bit."

"Wh-what was I saying?" I questioned anxiously, still staring down at my restrained feet.

"You were screaming to get Taehyung."

"What?" I tore my gaze away to look at him, blinking.

"That's how Jungkook reacted when you said to get Taehyung," Seokjin pointed out, making me chuckle.

"That was all?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Although, you also kept saying that 'they were dying,'" he mused.

"'They were dying?'" I repeated and Seokjin confirmed it by nodding. "I have no idea what I was talking about," I admitted. "I don't remember having a dream."

Seokjin sighed quietly and slowly shifted to the end of the bed, his fingers swiftly working to free me. "Aish. . . I'm going to have to iron this now," he grumbled and held up a wrinkled shirt and when he saw it, the annoyance in his face shifted from the shirt's condition to something else. "Oh, nevermind."

I let out a gasp when he held up a pink shirt after untying it from my left foot. "Isn't that your favorite shirt?" My mouth was agape as I stared at him, shocked that he would ever use it for anything that could ruin how it looked. "Wasn't that a gift from Namjoon?" The pastel pink shirt had the word "beautiful" in white across the front. Seokjin used to always brag about it. No one really cared, but it was nice to have seen him so proud of it.

Seokjin tossed the shirt over his shoulder carelessly with his left hand. "It used to be my favorite," he scoffed and leaned out to untie my other ankle. I stretched my foot a little bit. "I would much rather burn it now."

I stared at him in astonishment. "You used to wear that shirt all the time! And you got it how long ago?"

"A year ago," he said blandly as he finished freeing my other foot.


"It'll have been a year ago tomorrow," Seokjin corrected himself. "Tomorrow would've been our one year anniversary."

"For what?" I asked, clearly confused.

"For me and Namjoon being a couple," he responded and then scoffed. "That's long gone now, though."

Once again, my jaw dropped. "Why didn't you tell us?" My eyebrows furrowed as I stared him.

Seokjin shifted closer to me to work on untying my wrists. "We were fine the way we were," he mumbled. "But. . . I should've never gotten close to him. . ."

One Way to Seven and Back Again - k.th + p.jm + j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now