Gay, Straight...Kongpob's

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A/N: Okay, okay, I know they never made him canonically gay, but I definitely think he would be. At least in my version of them! Headcanon, canon, it's all the same, right?


"I'm gay."

The words were sudden, startling Kongpob out of his deep concentration. He put down his pencil and looked at Arthit, his brow furrowed. They had just been studying together in silence, books spread out on Arthit's bed, so it took Kongpob a moment to fully process what Arthit had said.

"Kong?" Arthit said meekly. "Did you hear me?"

"I did, P'Arthit," Kongpob answered, struggling to decide which question popping into his head he should ask first. "So, when did you realize?"
Arthit frowned at that, his eyebrows knitting together. "Just now, I think? But I think maybe I've known for a while."

Kongpob nodded, moving closer to Arthit. "What made you realize?"

"Well," Arthit sighed, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Do you remember Namtarn? And her boyfriend Jay? I think I knew, at least in some capacity, back then. When Jay told me he was planning to confess to Namtarn I was so hurt and jealous. I remember feeling like I was losing something. They were my best friends, but it was more than that. I remember thinking I was losing Jay but I thought that was crazy, we were both guys and there was no way I could feel that way about him. So I convinced myself it was Namtarn I was jealous over. I made myself fall in love with her, but I think deep down some part of me never fully believed it. And then you came along."

Arthit looked up at Kongpob, his eyes wide with fear and shining with tears. Kongpob pulled him into a hug, rubbing soothing circles on his back as Arthit curled into the embrace.

"Do you think I'm disgusting, Kongpob?"

Kongpob chuckled a bit at that. "Wouldn't that be pretty hypocritical of me, P'? I am dating you after all."

"Yes but it's different, right? I mean, you're not" Arthit whispered the last word, as if it was something secret that shouldn't be spoken. "You could go back to dating women, just like before and -"

"I couldn't," Kongpob interrupted. "I couldn't date anyone else, man or woman, after meeting the love of my life."

"But how do you know that?" Arthit questioned. "How could you know that I'm the love of your life if you aren't even gay?"

Kongpob sighed, turning to face Arthit and taking the senior's hands in his. "P'Arthit, love doesn't have a gender. Whether it's a man or a woman, gay or straight, when you meet the one you're supposed to be with for the rest of your life none of those things matter. You just know they're the one."

Arthit sniffed, his face flushed with mild embarrassment at Kongpob's words. "I'm pretty sure that makes you not straight by default."

Kongpob laughed out loud, a hearty laugh that eventually caused Arthit to chuckle along with him. When they quieted, Kongpob sighed thoughtfully.

"I think, I don't care so much about those kinds of labels. The only label I need is the label of your boyfriend."

Arthit smiled at the words before making a gagging noise, causing the both of them to fall into a fit of giggles. Though he didn't voice it, Arthit was grateful that Kongpob had managed to make one of the most terrifying confessions of his life seem like it really was no big deal. Maybe, he thought, it was just a little bit easier to be who he really was as long as Kongpob was by his side.

"So," Kongpob spoke a long while after their giggles had subsided into a content silence. "Are you going to tell anybody else?"

Arthit hummed, thinking it over. "I suppose it's not really necessary. I won't lie about it if they ask, but I won't outwardly tell anyone, either. It doesn't really matter exactly what I am as long as I'm with you."

Arthit looked up at Kongpob's smiling face and smiled back before leaning over and sealing their lips in a tender kiss. Whatever he was, he would always be Kongpob's.

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