Trust is Mutual

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A/N: GHOST SHIP, GHOST SHIP, GHOST SHIP!!!!! Okay, so I unironically really love Tutah/Bright soooooo here ya go lol. It's longer than I anticipated, but whatever.

Slight mature content? Like, in America this would probably be rated PG13.


Bright sighed as he placed the last glass on the shelf, tossing the rag he'd been using to dry them over his shoulder. As much as he loved his bar, he had to admit he sometimes wondered if the long hours and constant hard work were worth it. It seemed as if he hardly ever got a break, arriving hours before opening to prepare and leaving hours after close to clean up. He barely had time to shower and sleep in the early hours of the morning when he got home, and he couldn't deny the loneliness he felt at times. Owning a bar, he'd naturally met many attractive people, women and men both, but he couldn't in good conscious begin a relationship he would be unable to put time and energy into. In the past one night stands and non-committal dates had suited him just fine, but he was 5 years graduated now and all of his friends had entered committed relationships.

Knot had married Tob after just two years together, Prem had moved in with Wad when the junior moved back to Bangkok the year previous, and Kongpob and Arthit had finally legalized their civil partnership and were even discussing adopting a child. The only people left behind were Bright and Tutah. The thought almost made Bright laugh, that he and Tutah, who had always bickered and butt heads, would wind up becoming close purely because everyone else had left them behind.

"Ai'Bright, what are you daydreaming about?"

Bright jumped, turning to give a sharp smack to the person who startled him.

"Ai'Tutah, didn't your mother ever teach you not to sneak up on people?" Bright scolded the laughing Tutah.

"Aw, I'm sorry, Bright, you were just so spaced out, it was too tempting." Tutah chuckled again at the scowl Bright shot his way. "What were you thinking about, anyway? You looked kinda sad."

Bright shrugged, not really sure how to approach the topic with his friend. "Do you ever feel lonely?"

Again, Tutah laughed. "How could I when I'm here with you every day?"

Bright frowned. As he thought about it, it was true. He could barely remember a day Tutah wasn't hanging around the bar, either entertaining him with his wild antics and excited gossip, or silently helping Bright clean tables and deliver drinks. Bright had even offered him a job, feeling guilty that Tutah was helping so much with no paycheck to show for it. Tutah had refused, saying instead Bright should buy him coffee every morning when they arrived at the bar to begin prep for the day. And Bright did, every morning for the last two and a half years.

"Yeah, but that's different right? I mean, you're my best friend," Bright explained, pausing when he saw the briefest look of hurt flash across Tutah's face. It was gone almost as soon as it appeared, but Bright was a surprisingly perceptive person. Memories flashed through his head, one drunken night several months ago that had changed their relationship, possibly forever.


Bright had decided to celebrate a particularly profitable night by taking a bottle of whiskey from behind the bar (one of the cheaper ones, he did have to maintain his profit margin after all) and inviting Tutah over to his apartment for shots. They hadn't gotten out of control drunk, just drunk enough that their inhibitions didn't get in the way of Bright curling up at Tutah's side on the bed, comforted by the warm arm of his friend around his shoulders.

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