In The Clutches Of The Enemy (Ch. 22)

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~Chapter 22~

~Sara's POV~

My converse shoes hit the floor as I ventured farther and farther away from the Bro Army's hideaway. I have to admit...I don't really know what I'm doing. My hands shook as I rubbed them together and tried to regain what little courage I had in me before.

Tears made their way down my face. I could still feel his hands on mine. His arms wrapped around my waist. His beautiful brown pupils staring into mine. His...

A tear fell to the ground.

I stopped and wrapped my arms around myself.

Can I do this on my own?


I have to.

I walked onwards through the castle; my footsteps making an echo every time they hit the floor.

I soon reached a corner and turned right. I began to walk fast down the dark, gloomy hallway. It just seems all too real. It is real. To be in a video game. Virtual reality. The game presented itself to me with such realistic detail that it scared me. It makes me angry to believe that at one time, I used to watch Felix play Amnesia for entertainment. Now, it's like the game haunts me for enjoying it. My grip on the lantern tightened as I rounded yet another corner. Bringing it along made me feel like I was in the video game. The main character. There was a tiny spark of light emitting from the lantern, making the hallway light up as I walked forward.

Suddenly, I heard a loud roar from below me. The ground from where I was standing shook.

I dropped the lantern in fear and it shattered before me leading me into the darkness. A small whimper escapes my lips as I cower up against the wall. The glass from the lantern caused me to slip and fall, a piece of glass cutting my left knee and leaving a scratch on the right side of my face. Tears swelled inside my eyes. Damn, that really hurt. Today is not my day with glass.

The roar seemed to have come from downstairs. I should probably be cautious not to go down there. I pulled myself together and stood against the wall and used my gray sleeve to wipe off the blood on my cheek. Without my lantern, I couldn't see very well, but the eerie glow of the moon which shown through the windows helped me find my way. A safe room is at the top of my list of needs. I'll gather my thoughts there and devise a plan after I rest for a few minutes.

It's only been ten minutes since I've been gone and I'm already hurt.

Now, I was a fair distance away from the Bro Army. I didn't know how I felt. I honestly miss the feeling of not being alone, but the situations were too much for me. Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I did the right thing. Maybe I didn't. Who cares? I'm here now, and I can't go back.

The hallways were strangely quiet. It made me nervous. My shoes made a light thump as I walked. I never knew how tired I was until now. I need to find a safe place soon. I found my way to a split hallway. Left or right. I used Pewds' special rhyme to choose.

"Ole, dole, doff. Kinke, lane, koff. Koffe, lane, binke, bane, ole, dole, doff."

(Quick Fun Fact: Pewds says this rhyme in a lot of his video games when determining which way to go. AKA: Eenie Meenie Miney Moe.)

The one I landed on was right. I started to walk down that hallway, hesitant if I made the right choice or not. I wiped away the fresh blood that took its place upon my left cheek.

There were no windows so I couldn't see at all. I stopped before continuing; calming my breathing and doing a quick stress exercise I once had learned in my Life Skills class in high school. Being in school seemed like so long ago.

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