Running Away (Ch. 21)

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~Chapter 21~

~Piggeh POV~



I opened my eyes to find my room ceiling above my head.

I felt exhausted. My eyes felt heavy. My stomach from where Mr. Chair had kicked me had pain written all over it.

I slowly forced myself up into a sitting position.

"Ow...dammit," I cursed.

I held my head with both hands. It was throbbing...violently.

I threw my feet off of the edge of the bed and stood up.

I felt dehydrated. I was only half awake as I walked out of my room and down the stairs.

Thankfully, no one was here. I really didn't want to deal with anymore drama right now.

I looked out the window and noticed the sun was almost set.

I went into the kitchen and fixed myself a glass of water. I sat on the couch in the living room and relaxed for a few minutes.

It was almost surprising to find some peace and quiet in here.

I finished all of my water as I felt the last drop slide down my throat. I stood up from the couch, walked to the kitchen, and left the glass next to the sink. I felt my head pound again as I slowly climbed the stairs on my way back to my room.

I glanced over to Mr. Chair's room. Unpleasant thoughts clouded my mind as I walked away from his door.

I was about to turn my doorknob when Sara crossed my mind.

She seemed so scared. Afraid and upset about what happened to me earlier. It seemed like she had ... known what had happened? I'm not sure. What I am sure about is that she is NOT stable. Maybe I should check on her. Just peek in Stephano's room and make sure she's okay.

I walked up to Stephano's door and after some hesitation, I knocked.

I looked around awkwardly while I heard footsteps come from inside.

Stephano answered the door.

"Piggeh?" He asked with his eyes widened.

"Are you okay to be up? Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah...I uh...need some rest. I'm about to go back to bed, but I figured I'd come check on Sara after what happened earlier." I told him.

Stephano looked confused. "What are you talking about? Sara left about 20 minutes ago to go talk to you. She told me she wanted to apologize."


"...I haven't seen her since the incident this morning, Stephano. I have no clue what you mean."

Did she come to talk to me? No...I would've remembered. In fact, I'm certain she didn't come talk to me.

Stephano spoke up. "Then where the hell is she?"

Me and Stephano exchanged worried glances.

I ran down the hallway.


I burst into Mr. Chair's room. All I was met with was PewDie and Mr. Chair's glares. Mr. Chair made me feel even more uneasy.

"What's going on?" Felix asked.

I didn't answer him as I ran out of their room and down the stairs.

"We can't find Sara!" I heard Stephano shout to them.

Game Over (PewDiePie/Ib Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang