Devising A Plan (Ch. 11)

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  • Dedicated to Felix Kjellberg

Chapter 11


~Sara POV~

He went over to the bed and laid me down on the bed. PewDie and the 2 other figures trotted over to the bed to see what he was talking about. Mr. Chair lifted up my pant leg to reveal my injuries. It hurt when he lifted it and put it over a pillow.

“That’s pretty bad….” I heard the gold one said. I swore he looked just like Gonzales…..He’ll probably hurt me. He has a sword just like Gonzales does in his belt.

“That’s even worse than my injuries!” pink hair said looking at his side. Ew. I could see his ribcage and even some of his bone.  He was the one I ran away from back at the room. Apparently Mr. Chair knows him. He wiggled his eyebrows at me for some reason.

“So……what are we going to do about her foot?” Pewds asked.

The gold one came closer to inspect it. “Well, we’ll give her some laudanum and clean off the blood and rap a bandage around it. Hopefully she’ll be able to walk in a couple of days.”

“We need to get back to our rooms,” I heard pink hair say. “It won’t be safe here with Barrel and them patrolling around looking for us.”

“Stephano? Since you’re much stronger than me, can you carry Sara back? I think it might be faster and we won’t get caught.” Mr. Chair said while looking at me.

“Okay.” Stephano said as he came around the bed to pick me up. I don’t know this guy. I don’t trust him. He’s probably just like that other silver guy that kidnapped me. I turned my head away from him when he reached me. “What’s wrong?” he asked me.

I could barely speak from the shock that Barrel gave me when he had hurt my leg so I tried my best to sputter out words. He watched me with confused eyes.

G...on…z…ales…” I whispered with all of the strength I had. Stephano looked at me curiously and then sighed. “My idiot twin brother.” I heard him say under his breath.

“I’m not like him, Sara. I promise. I won’t hurt you. Did you…..see him?” He asked me.

 I couldn’t speak so I nodded my head weakly. I would have to tell them about my kidnapping later.

Mr. Chair looked down at his fingers. I could tell he must be thinking a lot about something.

“Gonzales is my brother. He was the one who hurt you, not me. Don’t compare me to that low-life.” He said in a serious tone.

I felt bad for thinking he was like Gonzales and I wished I’d just have let him pick me up. He then picked me up bridal style and everyone went out of the door with PewDie standing right next to Stephano and me. Piggeh leading and Mr. Chair in the back. We climbed some flight of stairs and went down a huge hallway. We stopped in front of a wall…..?

“Piggeh, pull the lever.” Stephano said.

I then watched as Piggeh pulled down a painting with a lever behind it. Clever.  

I wondered where we were going as the wall opened up and we all entered.


~Stephano POV~

Sara was very light. I felt like I was holding a kid or something. We walked into our base. I felt a little guilty for barking at Sara earlier about Gonzales. She didn’t know. Her and PewDie are stuck in this hell hole and of course, she doesn’t know who to trust. I looked down at her. I could tell she was trying to keep her eyes open. I walked into the living room and set her down on the sofa as the others went to sit on the other couches. Mr. Chair sat next to Sara. PewDie next to Piggeh and me on the other side of Piggeh. It was quiet until PewDie spoke up.

“I can’t believe we’ve been transported into Amnesia.” He said looking at the ground, “I thought this note was just a bunch of lies.” He said grabbing a note out of his pocket.

“PewDie, let me see that.” I said as he handed me the letter. I read over it and when I reached the end, I knew those initials. B&G.

Barrel and Gonzales.” I muttered loud enough for them to hear. Piggeh and Mr. Chair gasped when PewDie didn’t know what to think.

“I’m guessing you probably have to beat this game to continue to another…” I said to PewDie. “You’re going to have to find Alexander and kill him. Just how you did when you beat the game a while back.” I said to him.

“But I was just playing a game when I beat the game. There’s no way in hell that I can do it as a person IN the game.”

“Well, we’re all tired. I think we should sleep and discuss it further tomorrow.” I said.

PewDie spoke up,” Oh and guys?”

Me, Piggeh, and Mr. Chair looked at him. “You can call me Felix if you want.” He said.

“Okay.” We all said.

“Wait,” I said suddenly remembering something. “Where will Sara sleep? There are only 3 bedrooms and Pewd- I mean Felix is already sharing with me.” I said. “Sara is going to have to stay with either Piggeh or Mr. Chair.”

Piggeh and Mr. Chair looked at each other.

“She’s definitely staying in MY room.” Piggeh said while wiggling his eyebrows. “We can have alone time, if you know what I mean.” He winked at us.

Mr. Chair suddenly objected. “You’re going to rape her!” he said. “She’ll stay in my room,” he looked at Piggeh. “Where she’s safe.”

Piggeh let out a sigh. “Fine!”


Hey Bros! Sorry, I know this chapter is much shorter than the others, but it’s better than nothing right? :) I finally found a good picture of the bro in human form and will update that picture tomorrow. Also, I will update a picture of Garry. :) I’m not feeling my best lately, so I’ll try to update tomorrow even though I don’t really want to. Thank you so much for 100 reads! It means a lot! Remember to vote, comment, and most importantly share!


Stay Awesome Bros! *Brofist*

Your inspiration is my motivation. (^_^)



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