Episode 22

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Kenji walked with the body of the Wild Boar fastened on top of a big piece of tree bark rested on top of his shoulders as he went looking for the girls while looking at the whole Savanna panicking in fear causing Kenji to remark to himself how it is considering him and the girls causing the uproar.

As the animals that saw Kenji were panicking they froze because they knew what he could turn into and looked at him while keeping their distance and watching him cautiously so as to not become his next meal and they were deathly quiet, too afraid to make a noise, not wanting to attract his attention.

Meanwhile the girls were chatting and going in the direction they saw Kenji head in when they had all set off
to get prey as they had looked back at him while going off to get their food,the thought of him made their hearts warm as they burst out laughing seeing each other blush at their thoughts.

Kireitsune : Can you guys believe how we're all thinking about Kenji right now?

Tora : Well he really is a very nice guy the way he helped me and easy on the eyes as well.

Jackie : Yeah I may be mean to him sometimes but he's a total sweetheart.

Shishana : You're just the kind of girl who struggles to admit attraction but we understand.

Tsukiko : Right, we've all been friends for a long time, besides what girl wouldn't fall for Kenji?

Yukino : Totally and he sees through my stoic personality and knows I also have emotions.

Chitayna : If other girls tried him I'd make them rue the day they tried to make a move on him.

Hyōna : Fortunately for us we're your friends so you don't worry that we also like him.

Akane : did you guys notice we have personalities like those of the Animé archetypes?

Gina : Yeah we do don't we like for example Chitayna your a Yandere but not fully though.

As they were chatting busily they saw Kenji and went to him when he noticed them.

Hey girls, what have all you caught on your hunt? I have confidence that you all did great.

The girls proceeded to tell Kenji what prey they caught although Kenji was not at all surprised, he was impressed by how well the girls did since a catch isn't always guaranteed even for Anthromorphic animals that are like them and he made that known,after a while they ate and then decided to train a bit.

Kenji : Unlike usual I want you to pair up to train against the one opposite you in your pair.

Tora paired up with Shishana, Hyōna paired up with Yukino, Chitayna paired up with Gina,Akane paired up with Tsukiko and Kireitsune
paired up with Jackie.

Kenji : Okay now that you're in your pairings you can get started on all of your sparring matches.

The pairs all stood opposite their sparring partner and did a respectfull bow to each other.

Kenji :In the mean time I will be focusing on my phoenix powers and doing some basic training.

As the girls got into their stances Kenji went to one side not to far away to train his powers.

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