Heatran widened his eyes at the incoming attack, he braced himself as he held both arms in front of him. When it hit, an explosion occurred.

The dust cleared to show Heatran with minimal damage done to his body, Heatran lowered his arm, only to suddenly see Moltres heading straight at him.

Moltres had reeled his fist back before sending a powerful punch to Heatran's stomach. The audience winced at the clear damage.

They were surprised though, including Moltres, when rings of energy appeared around Heatran's body.


Moltres gave a pained cry as the rings had blasted him back with incredible force, it took him a bit to recompose, same with Heatran.

"You're persistent, but also foolish. Heat Wave!" Moltres declared. This was when shockwaves of heat were sent all over.

"Oh crud! Earth Power!"

Heatran slammed his fist into the ground, causing cracks to travel rapidly towards Moltres. They were both hit by eachothers attack as they were knocked away.

Heatran was slowly getting up, rubbing his head in pain, he looked up to see Moltres standing up. Heatran saw as Moltres was preparing for another attack.

"Not yet! Metal Sound!" Heatran began to release a sound from his mouth, a sound that caused the entire audience, including the Alpha Origin and Distorted Chaos guilds, to cover their ears.

The two main guilds were less affected, but were still feeing the effect. The audience was in pain, along with he other guilds from the sound.

Moltres wasn't any better as he covered his ears while yelling and stammering backwards. Heatran stopped before seeing Moltres shaking his head.

"You'll pay dearly for that stunt!" Moltres roared. Heatran narrowed his eyes as he saw Moltres hold both arms outwards, he knew what Moltres was doing.

The audience were completely confused at the action, except for the two main guilds. They were seeing orbs of yellow energy flowing into Moltres's body.

"So, you're intending to finish this... very well, I shall do the same!" Heatran declared. He then charged up a massive ball of flames in his hands. "Magma Storm!"

"Solar Beam!"

Both parties released massive attacks that collided with one another, it was at a stalemate as both sides couldn't seem to overtake the other.

The audience were stunned by the force of the attack they were witnessing, Fairy Tail could feel that the attacks were far stronger than the Jupiter Cannon from a while back was.

Heatran grunted as he was being pushed back, Moltres seemed to smirk at this. "Give up! You're finished!"

"No... I'll win no matter what!" Heatran declared. With a final push of power, Heatran's attack grew more than double its original size.

This ended up resulting in his attack overtaking Moltres's, Moltres could only watch in shock as the attack engulfed his body.

The audience, the other guilds, and the announcers had to cover their eyes at the explosion that caused the entire arena to shake.

As soon as the big flash of light had subsided, they all looked to see that a massive crater had formed where the explosion was.

Heatran was seen panting heavily as he fell to one knee, Moltres was unconscious and laying in the crater with a slightly open mouth.

That is it! The winner of this match is Magnus Flame from Alpha Origin!

"You alright, Heatran?" Palkia asked. The regis had helped Heatran sit down as the volcano dweller was panting.

"Y-Yeah. Moltres is certainly no pushover..." Heatran replied.

The match ended with a massive applause from the spectators, the day ended on a great note as they claimed first place for both days.

That wraps up Day 3 of the Grand Magic Games! We hope to see you all here tomorrow for Day 4!


Alpha Origin: 48

Distorted Chaos: 37

Sabertooth: 34

Mermaid Heel: 34

Lamia Scale: 32

Fairy Tail B: 31

Fairy Tail A: 29

Blue Pegasus: 21

Quatro Puppy: 14

Raven Tail: Disqualified


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