chapter 19

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"After all of these years, why now?" I asked him.

"What's wrong with a father wanting to see his only daughter?"

He was in Manchester all this time, only hours away. Never even got a phone call, let alone a birthday card, from our so called father. If he hadn't seen me on the street, I doubt would we ever have met again.

I never forgave him for abandoning us. I couldn't. But all I needed right now was a hug from my dad and to have someone tell me that it was all going to be okay. I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him tighter than I ever had before. I didn't want to let go, didn't want to face my demons but in life we don't always get what we want.

After a moment of awkward hugging, he looked me in the face, wiped always my delicate tears and smiled.  "What's wrong Emma?"

I didn't know how to answer that. I was so confused myself. "I...uh..." suddenly a saw Joe emerge from the distance. He was sprinting right towards me. I couldn't face him so I ran. For every step I took it felt like he was taking two. I didn't want to talk to him. Not now at least.

My mind was all over the place. As I darted down the street, Joe was getting closer to my dad. But I couldn't turn back. I feared Joe telling him everything. I wished I could have just run away and started a new life somewhere else, but I didn't want to give up and give them the satisfaction. So would my dad understand the life-long pain and betrayal that I had been through? Or would he be ashamed of his weak pathetic daughter that turned out wrong?

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