Mizar simply gaped at the female who grew him up in lieu of his mother. "That star is powerful than Twelve?"

Amaris gave him a soft smile. "She is as strong as Luna."

That was a strong blow to his gut. It was no secret that Luna was the most powerful among the four sisters. That was one of the reasons why the Royal family was held in such high regard. They carried a sliver of Luna's power.

"While the Twelve together have the chances of defeating her," Amaris said. "I can't say how many would come out alive. Nor can I talk anything about the damage it would cause. But if anyone of the Warrior fought alone, that star would walk away as the winner."

Mizar clenched his fists. "Not fair."

Amaris laughed. "She has a daughter with Elijah. That strengthens the bond between the star and Elijah. Just pray to Cosmos that the daughter should never take after her mother."

Mizar blinked.

"That girl was born just a few months ago," Amaris said. "She was hidden well. Only because of who I am, I got the information about her birth. If that girl was to take after her mother... I will have to abandon my thoughts about Luna and worry about the universe itself. That girl can crush anything in her way."

He had no words to say. He swallowed them.

"But," Amaris said in a voice that gave him hope. "If a Warrior was to mate or find a Soul-Bound, that Warrior might be stronger than that star and find my sister. For the Warriors are the strongest Cosmos has ever created. This star who hid my sister became strong only because of a mating. If a Warrior was to find a mate... things would be easy."

Mizar frowned and finally found his voice. "They had sworn to never take a consort after what happened to my mother. You know this."

Amaris nodded sadly and touched the souls that were rushing to their salvation. At her touch, the agitated souls fell to peace.

"That was the reason why I had sent your sister Alioth down so many years ago," Amaris sighed and  she gently caught one fighting soul. "Alioth was to find Ursa's line on Earth. They could provide an answer to why Ursa died. Perhaps it could break them out of their oath."

Mizar snorted. "They did not swear in Origins. Hence, they can break it anytime they wanted. But they have not just found the right... Lovers."

Amaris laughed suddenly and nuzzled the soul she had caught. "Lovers? The Twelve taking lovers? It might happen and I am hoping to see that day. If they take a consort, Luna could just be saved."

Mizar gave her a lazy grin. "Should we play the matchmaker?"

Amaris shook her head. "I will leave that job to Luna. For now, we have to find a way to break that lock on that star's name."

Mizar nodded. "Saying that star is quite confusing with all of us being stars, you know?"

Amaris glared at him and brought the soul she had in her arms closer to her. "As for the genes that you were so worried about-"

"Can I please not abandon it?" he pleaded.

Amaris tried to maintain her glare but it was failing. He knew it. "How many do you exactly have?"

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