18- Emotions and Athena

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I sighed as the locked clicked and I opened the door to quiet hotel room. I flicked on the lights, slipped off my shoes, and dropped my small backpack of items on the bench next to the dresser.

"This is um nice." Olivia said falling backwards onto the bed.

"If you try to kill me in my sleep I'll end you." I said walking over to the window and pulling the curtains open revealing the beautiful night sky with the city lights below.

"That's funny because you'd already be dead to do anything about it." I heard her roll over and plug her phone charger into the wall.

I rolled my eyes before bending down to the Air Conditioner.

"How do you like the room?" I asked her.

She sat up on the edge of the bed and bounced a few times before answering. "Cold."

"Perfect." I clicked a few buttons turning the temperature down and turning the AC on.

Olivia stood up and took her signature leather leather jacket off. She looked up and met my eyes.

"Turn around." She said spinning her finger. I rolled my eyes and turned around until I heard the covers get pulled back and the sound of the bed creak.

"Okay." She said to me.

I turned around, she was nestled into the bed with the comforter pulled up almost to her neck. She had only taken off her clothes so she wasn't naked.

I went to the closet and grabbed some blanket and a pillow and set them on the couch next to the bed.

She sat up and looked at me as I dropped my coat next to my back. I felt her eyes prying into the back of my back as I pulled my shirt off. I grabbed a pair of shorts and ducked behind the wall changing out of my jeans and into shorts.

I came back around the corner and saw Olivia still staring at me. Her eyes trailed my body and she blushed. "Woah." She said before shaking her head and focusing on my eyes. "What are you doing?"

"You chose the bed so I'll take the couch." I said moving towards the couch.

"The bed is big enough for the both of us stupid." She said to me.

"I think I'll be fine."

"Why because you're mad at me?" She asked putting a hand underneath her pillow, laid on her side, and looked at me.

"No, because I don't sleep with random girls."

"You're a wuss." She said to me.

I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah, and how many guys have you crawled into bed with?"

She rolled her eyes. "None."

I dropped the covers back on the couch. "Fine." I said seeing her blush before I flicked the lights off and crawled in next to her.

The bed was smaller than I thought, our hands touched as we laid on our backs quietly looking up at the ceiling.

The wall in the room next to us gave a muffled thump.

"Aren't Landon and Hope in that room?" Olivia asked.

I nodded. "That's disgusting."

It must have been an accident because the thumping soon stopped.

"What would your dad think of this?"

I turned my head and looked at her, she did the same.

"Honestly, he'd probably be proud."

Olivia started laughing and she accidentally knocked my head with hers.

"Ow." I said wincing.

Our faces were much closer than they should be at this point. Our foreheads were nearly still touching. I felt her head tilt up, her lips reaching for mine.

I took a deep breath. "We can't." and turned myself toward myself away from her. "I'm sorry."

She let out a small sigh and I felt a pang of guilt enter my chest, hopefully things wouldn't be awkward but I knew that wasn't possible.

Don't get me wrong, I had feelings for her. Strong feelings, feelings that I kept hiding because I was scared. I had to pretend to be mad and not trust her because it was the easiest way to tell myself I didn't like her.

I'm such an idiot.

After a few more minutes of thinking my eyes eventually drooped and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Thank the gods.

"Good morning, Achilles." A strange voice said from the chair that was in the corner of the room.

I pushed myself up on the bed so I was sitting up. "Who are you?"

The woman stood up. She wore a long grey dress, her blonde hair was tied back into a tight ponytail, and her grey eyes were like the clouds on a stormy day. She had a large grey owl rested on her shoulder.

"You mean you don't recognize me?" She asked playfully.

Then that's when it hit me, I had seen her before. She was a long distant memory, she often stopped by the house as the delivery girl who brought us boxes. I  was only very little then, not old enough that I should remember it.

Knowing the information I had and now seeing her, here, now. I know who she was.

I slipped out of bed quickly and bowed. "Lady Athena."

"Dear brother, do not bow to me. You did not bow to our father do not bow to me." She said chuckling.

I stood up as she paced the room.

I looked over at Olivia.

"Don't worry. Your girlfriend will not wake up." She said heading towards the door.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"But you want her to be, yes?" 

"Stop talking. What do you want?"

"Put some clothes on and follow me." She said walking out of the hotel room.

It was six in the morning. Jeez, for only a few hours of sleep, I slept pretty well for a demigod.

I quickly changed into some clothes and followed Athena out the door.

Athena seemed nicer than the stories make her out to be, but I was seriously hoping she wasn't taking me outside to smite me to oblivion.

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