12- The Dream

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"I can't believe you're the son of Zeus." MG said excited the next day at lunch. "You're literally Deity Royalty."

Everyone laughed.

MG looked hurt. "What? I'm being serious? You're like a prince of Olympus."

I smiled at his attempt. "Thanks MG, but it doesn't feel like it."

"So like, if you do a bunch of really good heroic things you think you'll get offered godhood?" Kaleb asked sitting back and eating his sandwich.

I chuckled. "It'd have to be pretty impressive. Like Heracles did the twelve labors and even then he wasn't offered until his wife accidentally killed him."

"You mean Heracles as in your brother." Landon said chipping in.

I sat back and thought about that. "Wow, you're right. I guess that makes me siblings with almost every single magically creature." I rolled my eyes as thunder boomed in the distance.

"Was that thunder? It's beautiful out." Lizzie said confused.

"No, it was Zeus." I started before returning to Kaleb. "As for your question about godhood, even if I was offered it I wouldn't want it."

Rafael's mouth dropped. "You would turn down Godhood? Why?"

"I don't know, I don't want to spend a millennia watching the people I love die of old age." I said shrugging.

"Well I won't die." MG said.

"Same here." Kaleb responded.

"Yeah here too." Landon said flicking his hand up for a second.

"Me too." Hope said smiling.

"Oh my god, you guys could have so much babies." Lizzie said changing the subject.

"Come on Lizzie, why you gotta make things awkward?" Josie said hitting her arm.

"I was just speaking my mind."

"That's the problem." I heard Rafael say under his breath.

"So how would that work Landon, would you live for 500 years and then rise from your ashes or would you just straight up stop aging at a certain age?" I asked him.

"Bro, you're asking me all of these deep questions and I don't even know my own powers." He said overwhelmed. "That's like me asking you if you can manipulate electricity or fly."

"Touché." I laughed

A male and female laugh sparked out of nowhere.

"Here comes Salvatore's newest power couple." Hope groaned.

"Don't tell Penelope that." Josie chuckled. She was extremely chipper ever since Penelope returned to the school.

I looked down at the table and fiddled with my ring as Olivia and Jack walked passed holding hands. I could feel Olivia watching me over her shoulder as they passed, I was trying so hard to keep myself from looking and in the end I couldn't help it.

I looked up and met her eyes.

She gave me a small smile and I just frowned.

"Hey, um. I gotta get to class. Catch you all later." I said standing up and walking the opposite direction.

That night I walked into my room and fell forward onto my bed. I was so tired from studying for the test I had in English the next day.

Every night before I went to bed I prayed that I wouldn't have a stupid demigod dream, tonight I didn't have such luck.

I fell immediately into a deep, restless sleep.

I opened my eyes. I was sitting in the library. Must've fallen asleep studying.

I rubbed my eyes and closed my books as I stood up. I silently walked over and placed them on the shelf.

It was dark out.

The calendar said September 29th, my birthday but my birthday wasn't for a week...

"I'm dreaming. Gods damnit." I cursed at myself. Wait, did I just say Gods, plural, when did that start.

I began to walk around the school suddenly being brave. If I was here, I was here for a reason. I needed to find out why.

Something crashed and shattered in the kitchen.

I followed the noise to an empty kitchen except for the glass cup that was on the ground. The ground was wet around it, someone had been using this before it broke.

A shadow flew passed behind me, I turned quickly and chased the figure down the hall.

It turned a quick right and ran out the front doors. The creature slammed the doors closed in the process.

I was quick to give chase.

"What's going on?" A voice asked pounding down the stairs.

I turned. Hope and Landon were standing over looking me.

I shrugged. "I don't know but something is running around the halls and breaking stuff and it just ran out the doors."

"And you just decided hey let's go get it?" Hope asked me like I was stupid.

"Well yeah, that's what you do isn't it?" I asked her.

Her mouth opened before she shrugged. "Let's go then."

"So what do you think it is?" Landon asked as we walked in a triangle formation through the grass across campus.

"I don't know, my best guess is it's just someone out past curfew." I said shrugging. "Which is also the best scenario."

"What could it be if it's not though?" Landon asked again.

"With Ash showing up, I'm assuming it's something Greek." Hope said her hands ready to cast a spell.

A scream ripped out from across the yard.

"Definitely not someone out past curfew." I concluded as we took off sprinting across the lawn.

"You think?" Landon asked.

A figure was laying in the lawn, clearly injured.

"Hey, hey. Are you okay?" Landon said turning her on her back and helping her up.

I gasped when I saw who it was. "It was Olivia, covered in blood."

"Hey, Olivia. Who did this to you?" I asked her as Landon pulled her over. Her face was bloody, her grey shirt had rips through it with blood sleeping through.

She shook her head as she started to cry. She was shaking, shaking harder than I had ever seen anyone shake in my life. She pointed a shaky hand in the direction of the darkness, away from the school.

I squinted into the darkness as footsteps approached.

"Hello, Achilles."

I exploded from bed in a cold sweat and shaking.

"Who the hell was that?"

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