1- Aftermath

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Four months after the events of Malivore...

Landon tossed and moaned in his sleep safe and sound in his room located in the Salvatore high school in Mystic Falls, Virginia where the normal. Wasn't so normal.

"That's a lot to take in." A girl said in Landon's dream. "So Malivore's your dad?"

"Weird, huh." Landon said back to the girl standing across from him.

"And he cant be killed, which is why Triad turned him to goo?"

"You're a quick study."

"But nothings ever immortal. I mean, not really Nature won't allow it. There's always a loophole."

"Any brilliant ideas because I think we're running out of time." Landon said pointing at the melting tar as the alarm in facility continued to ring.

The girl stared and her eyes began to tear as she tried to speak. "Just one. But you're gonna hate it." The girl stared at him for a moment before speaking again. "Kiss me." She whispered.

Landon's reaction was immediate as he quickly closed to gap between them and met her lips halfway.

"I didn't hate that at all." Landon said looking at the girl with love in her eyes.

"Not that." The girl said.

"This." She whispered as she flicked her wrists and everything went black.

Landon shot up from his bed covered in sweat and tears.

"What the hell was that?" He asked himself as he climbed out of bed and got ready for the day. He looked around, his roommate Rafael was already gone. Probably working out with the pack.

Rafael was a werewolf and pretty much Landon's brother considering they bounced from foster home to foster home together.

His other two friends were vampires, and two of them were also witches. Twin witches.

His dead girlfriend was also a witch, but she was also a werewolf, and a vampire. "Wait?" Landon asked himself. "Dead girlfriend, I've never even had a girlfriend." He told himself, but something in the back of his mind told him that he was lying to himself.

"Dr. Saltzman." Landon said knocking on the office door carrying a small notebook at his said.

Alaric was currently engaged in a deep conversation with his best friend Dorian. Alaric was unanimously voted to resume his position as headmaster of the school by the honor council.

"Yes, Landon. Please come in." He said waving to the chair next to Dorian.

"What is it?" Alaric asked noticing Landon's pale expression.

"The person who left the note to come save me." Landon started. "I know who she is."

Dr. Saltzman nodded. "Hope Mikaelson, we already know that. We need new information."

Landon shook his head. "No, I mean I really know who she is." He opened the notebook he was carrying, and pulled out a picture of the girl in his dream.

Dr. Saltzman took the picture and was lost in a trance as he stared at it.

"She was my girlfriend, and she sacrificed herself to keep my father from rising again." Landon said as he began to open the journal.

"I remember." Dr. Saltzman said to Landon. "She called me crying. Saying that she had killed you and told me where you were. She then proceeded to tell me her plan and to burn all of her files, anything that would remind anyone of her. I guess I forgot to burn the one thing she specifically said to burn."

"My journal." Landon said nodding his head. "I recorded every second I spent with her, I don't know why but I did. I guess it came in handy."

"I had a dream about what happened just before she killed me." Landon said as he started to think before his eyes lit up. "Do you think we're starting to remember her because she's somehow alive?"

Dr. Saltzman shook his head. "I think we're remembering because of how much time we've spent trying to crack the mystery of a dead girl."

Dorian flinched at Alaric's words. "Ric, we've spent four months searching for Hope and the first clue that she could be alive you just shrug it to the side?"

"With all due respect sir, but if there's any chance my girlfriend is alive I'm going to find her." Landon said angrily.

Alaric shook his head. "No, if she's alive she'll find her way back perfectly fine. For now, all three of us are going to work on a way to restore everyone's memories."

Landon shrugged. He did have a point.

"Until we have an idea on how to restore everyone's memories, nothing we say leaves this room. Okay?"

Landon nodded. "Got it, I'm going to go see if I can get any help discovering if I have any more hidden talents besides not being able to die."

"Hey Raf." Landon said sitting next to him at the lunch table. His eyes were currently occupied.

"Earth to Raf." Landed said moving his hand passed his eyes.

He shook his head. "Yeah, what's up?"

"You going to ask her out?" Landon asked. "It's been three months since you started staring at her. Ever since she brought you back to human form."

"I don't have feelings for Josie." Rafael said shaking his head.

Landon nodded. 'I know you do because I used to look at Hope the same way.' But he couldn't say that. Rafael would think he was crazy.

"You were never a good liar, Raf." Landon laughed as they ate the rest of their lunch.

"Discover any new powers?" Rafael asked.

Landon shook his head. "I was thinking I maybe had healing tears?"

"This is Salvatore." Rafael started. "Not Hogwarts."

"We also killed a bunch of slugs using science fiction knowledge." Landon said pointing a finger at Raf as he crunched on a carrot.

Rafael shrugged. "I was thinking maybe you could turn into a bird, or just fly. Maybe you have fire manipulation abilities."

"All of those sound awesome." Landon said just thinking of the possibilities.

Landon's mind began to wander as he thought about Hope. Hope would know what to do.


A brown-red haired girl dressed in a purple shirt and a pair of black pants lay on the ground in the middle of the forest with her eyes closed. Unconscious.

Her green eyes exploded open as she gasped for breath and continued to cough as she breathed real air for the first time since she had jumped into that pit.

She looked at her arms before pinching herself to make sure it wasn't a dream.

"I'm alive."

She had no idea just how powerful those words were.

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