19- The Minotaur

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"So tell me again why you're here?" I asked catching up to her just before the elevator. "The Gods use elevators."

"Stop talking we only have a little bit of time." She said as we stepped into the elevator. 

"Where are you talking me?" I asked as the elevator shot straight up.

"To the roof. It's private."

"So you can throw me off the edge?"

She laughed. "No you'd just fly."

"Wait? I can fly?" I asked excitedly.

"Not without knowing how to no, there is much about yourself that you have yet to discover."

"Trust me I know."

Her eyes narrowed at me. "No Achilles, you really don't."

"What are you trying to say?"

The elevator dinged and the doors opened to the roof. That was odd, I never knew of an elevator that went all the to the roof.

"Saved by the bell." I said rolling my eyes and following her.

The owl hooted before flying off her shoulder and into a circle around our heads. The owl suddenly locked its eyes on me and made an aggressive dive at my head.

I was too slow for the quick bird as it landed on my shoulder and gave me a screeching hoot into my ear sending exploding my vision in a pure golden light.

I blinked my eyes until the light disappeared and was looking down at the city of Denver, Colorado below.

Snow covered my feet, I was cold, but not cold to the point where I was shivering. I spun in circles until I saw it, a dark gloomy cave.

Athena was showing me where the box was hidden.

My vision began to blur in and out before my vision returned normal and I felt sick. I stumbled to the side and was caught by my sister.

"What. The. Hell. Was. That." I said intentionally spacing out my words.

"That was your end goal." Athena said grabbing the guard rail. She vaulted over it. "Beware Champion, you're being followed." She said as she fell, I ran to the edge only to see two owls flying away into the early morning sky.

"Champion?" I asked myself confused shaking my head as I headed back towards the elevator.

I clicked the elevator and waited.

Five minutes later still no elevator.

"This cannot be happening." I said heading towards the door that led to the stairs.

I reached for the doorknob, just before I touched it, the door exploded and flew off its hinges knocking me off my feet and onto my back.

Ringing echoed in my ear as I gasped to catch my breath. I could feel the ground shaking as the thing neared me with every step.

The thing snorted and kicked me over so I was lying on my back.

"Can't I go one day without being attacked by enemies?" I complained as I stuttered for breath.

The monster picked me up by my throat with its giant human hands and pulled me close to its face.

I nearly fainted when I realized what it was. I don't know if it was the giant horns or the bull face with the giant bull ring through its nose that gave it away but I had just came face to face with one of the most famous monsters in Greek history.

The Minotaur.

"Oh no." Was all I said as he tossed me backwards into the far wall.

My back smashed against it and cracked in about six places as I fell to the ground.

My demigod healing abilities kicked and I began to feel renewed within seconds.

Here we go again. I thought to myself as the Minotaur charged at me. I wonder what people in their rooms below were thinking now.

I stood up and summoned my shield just as the Minotaur's fist came crashing down. The sound of crashing metal echoed across the roof.

The Minotaur winced once at the sight of the Gorgon in the center of the shield before growing angry.

I gulped as the Minotaur backhanded me back across the roof near the edge.

"Father, if you can hear me. Send help." I prayed to Olympus as the Minotaur neared me.

I struggled to get up as I gasped to catch my breath again. I was really getting my ass kicked.

The Minotaur picked me up by my throat and held me over the edge of the hotel roof. I looked down and was not as afraid of heights as I thought I would be.

"Hey ugly." Olivia's voice said from behind him.

He snorted and turned his head over his shoulder to look at her. He huffed and a cloud of smoke came out of his nose.

"Put him down." She demanded.

My eyes widened as I realized what she said.

"No, no, no. Don't put me down." I said grabbing at his large fingers.

He turned towards me and smirked.

I saw Hope and Landon appeared behind Olivia who began rapidly moving her hands in an incantation.

Well the good news was Olympus heard my prayer. Or it was just extremely coincidental.

I didn't have time to dwell on it as I felt the Minotaur's grip loosen and I fell towards the street below.

"Nooo!" I heard Olivia yell as a powerful blast of energy appeared from above me sending the Minotaur off the roof. He turned into golden dust about halfway down.

Wait, halfway down. That meant I was farther.

I was going to die.

"Close your eyes boy." Zeus's voice said into my mind.

I obeyed.

"Feel the wind through your pores, feel it whip around your ankles, the sky is apart of you, and you my son are apart of the sky."

I opened my eyes and gasped.

I was suspended in mid air about three quarters down the building.

I was flying.

"Okay this is seriously awesome."

I looked towards the top of the roof and willed myself up.

Olivia, Hope, and Landon were standing there with their backs turned towards me.

I heard Olivia sobbing.

"We have to finish the mission, it's what Achilles would've wanted." Landon said trying to be strong.

"How do we continue without him, we don't know where we're going." Hope said shrugging as she wiped her eyes.

"Well, good thing you won't have to do it without him." I said.

They all jerked around wide eyed as I slowly lowered myself back down on the roof.


"He can fly, I mean it makes total sense." Landon said happily.

A loud smack rung in the air and a sharp sting was in my right cheek.

"You're so lucky you're alive." Olivia said shaking her hand up and down.

"If I recall correctly you were the only who told him to put me down."

Olivia looked away sheepishly.

"Now what? What part of the Rockies is the box?" Hope asked.

"Denver, Colorado."

"How do you know?" Landon asked.

"Athena showed me."

Legacies: The Champion of Olympus जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें