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Colby pov
S- okay well I think that concludes the try not to laugh challenge.. clearly we all failed, give this video a like, subscribe if your not already and comment down below what you want to see next
C- everyone's channels will be linked in the description below, go check them out and we'll see you next week!
El- we good?
S- ya, thank you guys for filming
The garage door opened and Devyn popped her head in
D- Colby, can you please come here
C- sure, what's up?
I asked but she just kept walking through the house and around the corner to the bathroom door where Kat was standing.
C- what's going on?
K- Erin sprinted through the kitchen a little while ago and made a b-like for the bathroom, she's been getting sick ever since
C- where is she, where's Jake
K- he is in there with her now
I opened the door revealing Erin on her knees puking her guts up with Jake sitting next to her.
Jake got up and let me sit where he was
J- will you please just let Elton have a look at you?
E- no.. Jake, I said I'm okay
She wiped her mouth off and stood up immediately getting dizzy
C- woah!
I said as Jake and I grabbed onto her to keep her steady
E- I just got up too fast, I'm fine guys
She walked out of the bathroom and over to the stairs.
J- talk to her please
Jake said to me on my way upstairs, I threw my hand with a thumbs up in the air as I followed her.
When I got to our room she was sitting on the edge of the bed holding her stomach.
I walked in and bent down in front of her
C- this has gone on long enough, it's been months we need to tell them
E- Jake is gunna be so mad at me..
She looked up at me with tears in her eyes
Erin is pregnant.
We found out 4 months ago, I'm happy but I know keeping this from everyone especially Jake, is killing her. I know it's been killing me, not being able to say anything for the past few weeks. But we're gunna have to tell them soon, Erin is almost 7 months and because she is so small her body doesn't expand quite as fast, she's only been wearing my hoodies and shirts to hide her stomach, but now she is really showing, and she can't hide it forever.
I got up and went to shut and lock my door, when I got back to Erin she was standing up and breathing heavy
E- they're back..
She said
She gets some pretty painful stomach cramps and spasms, they used to be like once or twice every few weeks but recently it happens at lease 3-4 times a week.
C- come on
I helped her take the hoodie she was wearing off, leaving her in her sports bra and shorts and helped her get into bed.
I got in behind her and put my hands to her hips applying pressure then slowly moving them around her sides.
She would wince and groan occasionally but soon fell asleep.
Jillian pov
Jake just came and woke me up, telling me Colby and Erin needed everyone in the living room. When I came into the room everyone was sitting on the couch so I walked over to Jake and sat on the floor by his feet. Erin walked in with Colby, I could tell she had been crying.
Cor- guys whats going on?
S- is this a set up for a prank or something?
E- no..
K- hey, what's wrong?
Erin opened her mouth to talk but once the tears came, she shut down and ran out of the living room.
Colby sighed and put both hands to his face, when he pulled them away his face was wet with tears
C- she's pregnant..
He pulled something out of his picked and handed it to Sam and the others to look at, it was an ultrasound.
C- almost 7 months now
S- 7!?
I stood up and ran after Erin to make sure she was okay.
When I got upstairs I could hear her in Colby's room, when I walked to the door I saw her in a tank top and my jaw nearly dropped to the floor.
I knocked and opened the door a bit more
Jil- Erin? Are you okay?..
She looked up at me stopped pacing around the room
E- he is gunna be so mad at me Jillian..
She said as she broke down
I ran to her and hugged her, hoping it would help. Through her cries I heard footsteps coming up the stairs
Colby pov
C- could you guys go check on them for me please..
I asked Devyn and Kat, on the verge of tears
D- of course
They both hugged me and walked upstairs with not another word.
El- Colby..
C- don't day it, I know I fucked up!
I said kinda loud
Cor- no one is saying you fucked up Colby
S- it's okay, we are gunna figure this all out
Jake has been silent this whole time
C- Jake.. please, say something..
He stood up, he didn't look mad, but he also didn't look happy.
He walked closer to me and put his hand out
J- congratulations man
Relief washed over me as I took his had and he pulled me into a hug.
After he let go he took a step back
J- when did you guys find out?
C- 2 months ago
J- why didn't you tell us?
C- Erin was so freaked out that she was going to be an awful mom because of everything that happened back then, and now all this with Jillian, but she didn't want to say anything to you because she thought you were going to be mad at her.
S- Jake I think you need to go talk to her
Jake nodded and headed up the stairs

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