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Corey pov
About 20 minutes ago Elton pulled over because Jake felt like he couldn't breath so we let him out of the car and he's been sitting in an empty pasture with us trying to get his breathing under control.
J- nothing I can do will ever take away what happened to her..
He said still sobbing
El- Jake what are you talking about?..
Jake stayed silent but obviously Elton and I knew he was talking about Erin.
Cor- it was an accident Jake, no one knew it was going to happen
J- no.. not that..
Jake proceeded to tell us that Erin wasn't his biological sister, and talked about what happened to her parents, then living with her uncle Charles.
Elton and I were both shocked but before we could say anything Jake said something else
J- he.. he raped her when she was 16, and I found her.. she was lying on the floor naked a..and unconscious.. and I can't fix any of it..
Colby pov
My phone has been blowing up more then usual with notifications saying I was tagged in pictures and videos on Instagram and Twitter. Friends that I haven't talked to In a while and even some I was just talking with last week had been sending me dm's all day. I've been a bit preoccupied with Erin so I haven't had the chance to look but she's finally asleep again and it's almost 3 in the morning now so I thought I'd look.
There were almost 13 thousand new pictures and videos I had been tagged in and they were all from when we were trying to leave Erin's doctors appointment yesterday.
I swear to god I love my fans but the lack of privacy I have because of them it really starting to grow.
They were all comments that were hating on Erin and after seeing about 50 different posts I had had enough and shut my phone off.
After I put it away I went to the bathroom and was cleaning up the towels and bandages I left
in there from Erin's shower then came back to my room and cleaned up here for a bit.
Random pov
Jake couldn't believe He had just told Elton and Corey about everything. They were on the way home and Jake's eyelids kept getting heavier and heavier till they no longer opened and he found himself lost in a deep sleep.
When they returned home Corey carried Jake who was still sleeping, inside and up to his room. Elton put the car away then texted Colby and asked him to come downstairs.
Elton pov
I sat on the couch and waited for Corey to come back down with Devyn and Colby. When I heard footsteps coming down the stairs I stood up and waited.
C- how did it go with Jake? Were you guys able to talk to him?
Cor- oh there was some talking alright..
El- Jake told us everything about what happened with Erin
Colby sighed and put his head down as he covered his face with his hands
Cor- I'm not completely sure if we were supposed to know or not but now we do and I will be telling Devyn just so everyone is on the same page here
El- how is she doing anyway?
C- it was bad after you guys left.. really bad. I got her to calm down after standing in a hot shower with her for almost and hour, she wouldn't tell me what the nightmare was but I'm not trying to push her
Cor- ya, she'll tell you when she's ready, I mean the girl was in critical condition a week ago and should still be in the hospital, I don't know how she's doing it
D- I haven't told you guys but she had a breakdown with me the other day when you guys were out getting lunch for us, she was sleeping up until you guys left and after about 20 minutes of you guys being gone she was screaming bloody murder calling for Colby and Jake but I was the only one home
C- wait what?
D- I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but she begged me not to mention it to any of you..
Devyn had tears in her eyes, I'm assuming she felt guilty for not saying something sooner but she was only tryin to do what Erin had asked of her.
Cor- hey it's okay
C- ya, I'm not mad Devyn, I just..
Colby huffed and dropped his hand
El- Colby what's wrong?
C- ..I don't know what to do man..
He admitted as tears poured down his face
Erin pov
* Dream *
"Come back here you bitch!"
He screamed through the house as I ran through the back hallway in hopes to make it to my room.. but I failed
I was grabbed hard then slammed into the wall, instantly I took several blows to the stomach before being dragged by my hair into my room. I couldn't move my right arm and it was getting harder and harder to breathe. I was screaming at the top of my lungs as I was trying to kick him out of the room.
I was finally able to move myself around and I kicked him hard enough to knock him on his ass out in the hall, I slammed the door shut, locked it and sat against it as I frantically called Jake with my battery on 2% now.
He was hitting the door from the other side and right when Jake picked up he busted right through the door again taking it off the hinges as it crashes down on me.
I dropped the phone and pushed it away so he wouldn't see it, then I screamed as loud as I could when Charles began grabbing my pants was was practically ripping the clothes I was in right off of me.
When I cried Jake's name again he bags pounding on my head with his fists until things were getting blurrier and darker until I saw nothing..

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