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hi logan , this is my statement letter that i mentioned in the last letter if you dont want to read it i understand just hand it to the police

my name is sienna Johnson , i was raped at the age of 14 which was a very long time ago i know, i didnt want to step forward because i felt so disgusting in myself although i didnt ask for this. im saying this now as a dead girl well i was alive writing this letter.

i couldn't tell anyone and i dont know if this letter makes it to the police but im about to explain the full story on how i was raped.

it was the 22nd of april when it happened i was 14 years old a normal girl at school, i wasnt really popular because i had quite a few friends , Oscar lee was the most popular boy in our school every girl and most of the guys loved him mainly because of his looks but he was quite romantic

he asked me out and i felt so special that i ignored most of his mean comments it was 22nd of april we were at his house after months of dating we were home alone in his room watching our favorite series , friends

he started of by touching my upper thigh which i let slide but he continued to move his hand up and i told him i wasnt ready we were 14 , its different now for 14 year old's to have sex but when i was 14 it was weird no one did it

he took my clothes of and held me down his was a rugby player a lot stronger then me im short and thin so his power over me was a lot

he had one hand over my mouth whilst he continued to have sex with me i screamed and cried the whole time until i became numb

once he was done he left he headed down the stairs and sat down there playing on his video games

when i was finally able to move i put my clothes back on and ran out of his house with the last bit of strength i had

he then made a rumor around school saying i begged to have sex with him , i then got bullied and lost everyone he told everyone that he gave in because he felt bad for me the pathetic one and got me pregnant

no one seemed to care that i never gave birth and just assumed i had a miscarriage I wasn't pregnant he knew what he was doing he had protection under his pillow knowing i was coming over

That's my statement

Understanding//Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now