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i told you , that you would of said not to hurt him and im going to read through your next letter and take it to the police its worth a shot

if they dont do anything then ill beat him up so he gets some sort of pain think about how many other girls went through the same pain as you , he wouldn't of just done it to you

im sure of it and im going to make a video on it sorry if you dont want me to but im not going to say to much but im going to start a movement to stop rapist because they dont understand how much damage they do mentally

im also going to talk about that January thing and how you dying has also allowed me to see how everyone felt about me recording that man because i would of hated for you to be recorded and someone posting it online with a huge following

im going to write word for word what im going to say in my video so you know because i dont know if you can watch YouTube where you are but i know your reading my letters and everyone else's

love your Logan

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