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Evan said he wasn't ready to read his yet and spencer is trying to get everyone out  and awake in the morning

Or even working out he said it'll help us clear our heads

I can't get you out of my head , every little detail

You covering your mouth when you laugh because you were insecure about it when it was the cutest thing I've ever seen

How quick your face turned red from one little compliment

Your dimples showing every time you give me your evil smirk

Your light snores on my chest wrapping your arms around me like I was going to leave

As if I would of left you , all of the boys said they saw a different between my love for you and my love for Chloe

Mike wasn't doing to well after reading your letter but he told me about him writing to you he said it helped

Your to smart with your cute unique ways and how you know exactly how we're going to feel

Love Logan

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