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Hey mikewasalski

I miss you more then you can imagine mike , I can't imagine how much I hurt you guys

You've been through a lot and could tell when I was upset you couldn't of done anything else to save me

I was screwed from when I was born from my mom leaving and my dad dying at least I know I'm not causing my grandma any pain seeing as she can't remember me

Please look after Logan you were one of the main people that got him out of his dark coma and I don't want him falling into it again

He's got so much further out of it I can already tell he hasn't made a video and I don't blame him I couldn't if he left

I feel so selfish and dirty for what I did and I'm sorry I just left because of negative comments well it wasn't just that which I've told Logan In one of my letters it sounds pathetic but I struggled let's just hope the peace ends where ever I go

Love si

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