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Find a girl someone who can handle a comment from someone behind a screen that doesn't know them

That's just jealous because the famous Logan Paul was taking by someone like me

It wasn't just the comments that killed me its other things that I will tell you

I was raped at a young age, I never told anyone I never wanted to tell anyone I felt disgusted

I wasn't ready for sex no 14 year old should be , I found someone I thought I was in love with

The schools most popular boy Oscar , every girl was dying to have even one conversation with him

I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world to be his girlfriend , we always hung out for a month everything was so good

He never tried anything with me and never went to far

We were at his house in his room arching one of our favourite series together

Kissing like normal teenagers but he went to far we were home alone there was
No one there to hear my muffled screams

After then I felt dirty and had always had a weight on my shoulder never telling anyone

Don't be upset about me not telling you I wanted to but you know I don't like being
Negative I also didn't want to bring it up

After then I was bullied because he created a rumour about me

Saying I was pregnant and have slept with half of our school and I was begging him to have sex with me

I lost everyone because of him because I was stupid enough to think we were in love we really weren't

Me and you were in love Logan and I'm sorry we couldn't have kids or get married but you'll find someone better then me to get married to

There's never just one soulmate trust me

Love sienna

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