chapter 19

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Wendy's Pov
"What do you mean?" I asked her. "I'm moving to another neighborhood far from here, so could visit,but I want to start a fresh" I smiled sadly at her as she got up and pulled me up into a hug.

Donald's Pov
Did I do the right thing? Why do I feel like crap. But I still have to go to work today, I have alot to catch up with since I do not even have a PA.

Wendy's Pov
Love is leaving the day after tomorrow so I'm helping her pack. Luke and Marcus are also helping Lilly pack. I can still here argument from Lilly's room. But I can tell from Marcus' sad eyes that he likes Lilly and will miss her, Luke also looks sad.

Time skip to day of leaving

Love's Pov
I stood outside our apartment as a tear slipped unto my cheek. I will miss my room. Wendy, Marcus, Luke and a certain someone. I saw Lilly hug look and Marcus as her eyes were puffy from crying. This is all happening because of me. I hugged Wendy as we sat in the truck and speed of. I could still recall everything that happened in this town. Both the good and the bad. How I met Donald and Wendy, they have become a part of my life in a short while and it hurts that things ended like this.

One month later
Lilly and I are doing good. Wendy has been coming her almost everyday, I really want to ask of Donald but I can't. I now work at a day Care centre. The pay is manageable. I must say life is better. I am beginning to believe the saying that "good things comes to those who wait" .
Our manager at the Day care informed us that the institution has been sold to a very rich bachelor, and will be visiting in a week time.

Donald's Pov
I'll make things right, and this time things cannot go wrong. Love be ready. Wendy told me where we was staying now and where she works. She doesn't know I am her new boss. She is in for the shock of her life. I learnt there is a stupid guy hoovering in the background but I won't let that happen. I know she is planning on giving him a change but over my dead body will I let that happen. She is mine.

Today I'm going to see Love after a month and a half. I am both anxious and nervous. How will she react?

Love's Pov
"Shall we welcome the new CEO, Mr Donald Bannerman" my eyes popped out, did I hear right? Donald walked in with a smirk on his face, looking directly at me. God! What is happening. He gave a speech but I heard nothing since I was busily glaring at him as we was also busy staring at me.
When everything was over, I was about to leave when a hand held my wrist. I knew who it was, I slowly turned to face him.  Now everyone's attention is on us. "How may I help you sir" I said with no emotion. "Woah, is that how to say hello to your love?" I heard gasps including mine. "What the hell! You are not my love and will never be!" I shouted at him. He put his hand on his chest and feigned hurt "is it because there are people here, don't you remember what we shared last night?" He said with a smirk, I was so furious, now everyone will thing it is true. I quickly left the scene.

As I walked around I heard people whispering as I headed to the manager's office. I knocked and entered only to be met  by Donald and the manager. "Errm ... Madam please I am here to submit my resignation letter" " what!" .........,................,....

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