chapter 15

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Wendy's Pov
I pulled Marcus into my room. "Now young man, start explaining" Marcus started to scratch the back of his neck. " Ermm... I kinda like her, but she seems to like Luke" I couldn't help but smile. " I don't think she likes luke in a romantic way, I think she likes look because he is nice to her, and you on the other hand are a douche." "Ouch that hurt" he said faking hurt as he puts his hand on his heart. "so what do I do?" He asked "start by being nice to her".

Donald's Pov
"Can I have a dance with you?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned to come face to face with Donald. "Ermm...I .was..eer" he quickly pulled me to the dance floor as a slow music started playing. As we danced, I heard my name "will you go on a date with me?" Donald asked. "What?" I asked not really sure I heard right. Just then Wendy appeared "I need to talk to her we'll be back shortly" Wendy pulled me away as I exhaled, I will be forever grateful Wendy. As soon as we we're outside she said "what's going on between you and my brother?" She asked with a smirk. "What are you talking about" I pretended no to know what she is talking about. " Madam, don't play smart with me, you know what I'm talking about." she eyed me. "Well, I dont know if I heard right but your brother kinda asked me out on a date" I said shifting on one leg. "and what did you say?" "That's when you appeared" I answered. "Shit I should have waited a little" she exclaimed. "So are you going to give him a chance?" She asked "I don't know" I said slowly. Just then, Marcus called Wendy. 
I was sitting outside, thinking about what happened earlier when a hand landed on my shoulder, I turned to see Luke. " Hey, shouldn't you be at the party?" Well I was getting bored" I told him. " Do you like Donald?" He blurted out. " What?" "I said do you.." " I know what you said, why would you think that?" I cut him off. "Because I have caught you staring at him several times. And don't worry, the good news is, he likes you too" with that he walked away, leaving me with my mouth opened.
I went back in as something, more like someone caught my eye. It was Donald laughing with a very beautiful lady, she could be a model. Something in my stomach didn't feel right. As if I have been stabbed. Just then his eyes caught mine. I quickly left the party.

I lay in bed butI couldn't sleep and I was alone. Lilly is spending the night at Wendy's. I heard a knock. Holy Moses, I pray it's not him. I slowly walked to the door. "are you okay, why did you leave all of a sudden?" Wendy asked. "I wasn't feeling too good" I lied. "Are you okay now?" She asked. "I'm better" "I'm staying with you tonight" she said as she made herself comfortable. " Just then, there was a knock again "are you expecting anyone?" Wendy asked as I shake my head no. I opened the door and I almost wish I didn't. Ladies and gentlemen, here we have Donald Bannerman standing in front of my door in all his glory. "We need to talk"...............

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