Chapter 8 : What's a Demonic Fairy Slayer?

Start from the beginning

"Do you think that, maybe, Wendy is slightly afraid of Kid?" Gray asked Erza.

"No. Why would you ask that? Wendy's just shy," she replied before eating a slice of strawberry cheesecake, where she, again, got out of nowhere.

They all got up and went to Blair's room. Lucy was sitting up in the bed and rubbing her eyes.

"Oh, hey guys. How's it going?" She asked when she finally noticed everyone was in the room.

"Good," they all said.

"Wait, where's Black★Star, Pattie, and Natsu?" Lucy asked.

"Black★Star and Natsu are outside on a 'time-out,'" Erza responded. Lucy laughed.

"Pattie went off with Karina. They're in Maka's room," Kid said calmly. Lucy smiled. "Oh, she also said she had to discuss something with us."

"Then, maybe you should get her?" Lucy asked. Kid nodded and went out the door. Lucy started counting the seconds that took Kid to get Pattie and Karina. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ele-. He then came back in with Pattie and Karina following closely behind.

"Oh! You're up!" Karina said.

"Yeah. So I heard you wanted to talk to me about something."

"Yes, I did. It's about your new powers. The Demonic Fairy Slayer." Everyone had become quiet, giving her their full attention, so she continued. "It's a lost magic and one of the strongest magics in the world."

"If it's so strong... Why do I keep losing battles?" Lucy said.

"Just because your magic is strong, doesn't mean it makes you stronger. You're only strong if you know how to use your magic correctly. You've got to train with your magic. It's a partnership between Mages and their Magic that determines how strong you are. So, the more comfortable, or familiar, you are with it... The stronger you become," Erza informed. She was speaking from experience.

"Kind of like Meisters and their Weapons?" Maka asked.

"Exactly. It's also an evil magic if it's in the wrong hands. It can kill entire worlds and destroy big cities and little towns. But it can also make a difference in the right hands. It can help get rid of major problems. But you see, it's a magic very similar to Zeref's... So it's mainly used for evil. It only has one user at a time and most of the times, the user can't even awaken the power... Aaaaannnnnd... Yeah, I think that's it..." Karina finished.

"Sooooo... I have the greatest magic in the world and it's a magic stronger than Zeref yet, I STILL CAN'T DEFEAT NATSU OR BLACK★STAR?!" Lucy questioned, slightly angry.

"I wouldn't call it the greatest magic..." Gray whispered.

"Didn't you hear what Erza said?" Kid said to Lucy.

"What?! Erza said something?" Lucy said, looking at Erza. She face-palmed.

"Shall I repeat myself?" She asked.

"Pleeaasseeee!" Lucy smiled playfully.

"Do you think that... maybe... something might've damaged Lucy's memory?" Gray whispered to Erza.

"If she did, hopefully she won't remember what Natsu did," Erza said.

"Well, that won't make sense. She remembers that she fought Natsu so I don't think she forgot wha-"

"Hey guys! What are you whispering about over there? Are you going to tell me what Erza said?" Lucy asked.

"Um... yeah. What I said was that just because your magic is strong, doesn't mean it makes you strong. You're only strong if you know how to use it," Erza said.

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