Chapter 5 : Hospitalized

Start from the beginning

"Just like Natsu," I whispered. Only Maka heard me. From the corner of my eye, I could see her eyes widen slightly.

"What was that?" Black★Star asked.

"Nothing, you just remind me of someone," I said with a fake smile. He relaxed a little bit and then we just started talking. After a while, everyone began to leave;one by one, until it was just me and Black★Star.

"So Natsu blew up a whole town when he first met you?" BlackStar asked.

"Yeah! He can really go too far, just like you," I laughed lightly.

"Yeah," He smiled, and our conversation came to a comfortable silence. I looked out the window and watched everything outside. I glanced at Black★Star and saw him looking at me. I pretended not to notice and continued to look outside.


Wendy's POV

We were almost at the dock when Virgo appeared. I yelped in shock and hid behind Erza.

"Virgo! Where's Lucy?" Erza asked.

"Hime-sama is in Nevada, Death City," Virgo answered.

"D-Death C-C-City?" I stammered. I was scared of a lot of things, but a city called Death. That was much too scary for me to handle. What made it have such a scary name? Did people die there? Was everyone Death-worshipers? I shivered at those thoughts.

"Yes. Now Hime-sama needs Wendy-san to come and heal her. She has been terribly injured and needs to be healed right away," Virgo said looking directly at me.

"What! Lucy's hurt? Who hurt her? I'm gonna find them and destroy them," Natsu said with a fiery fist in the air.

"No. You are not going to Hime-sama. I will not allow the person who has ripped her heart apart, to go even an inch near her," Virgo replied calmly. But she gave Natsu a death glare, which told him to back off.

"Um, it's okay. I'll go, just ask Lucy-san if it's alright to bring Gray, Erza, Happy, and Carla along too. Hopefully she'll say yes," I said, thinking about how nice Lucy is.

"But... But what about me? I"m Lucy's best friend!" Natsu complained.

"No. I just said that you are not allowed near her. If you do, you will suffer the wrath of all her zodiac keys," Virgo warned. If her eyes could kill, I bet Nastu would've been nothing but dust.

"Um, Virgo? Can we go see Lucy-san now? If she's that injured, she would be almost dead. Let's hope she's still breathing," I told Virgo. She nodded and motioned for me to go to her. I stepped forward until she could touch me. Virgo, held me near her and we were gone in a flash of pink light. I closed my eyes because the light was too bright.

When I opened them I saw that we were in the Celestial Spirit World. I still remembered how beautiful it was the last time I was here, but now it was way more prettier. But before I could take in all the sights of this world, there was another bright pink light and I closed my eyes again. I blinked them open once more and saw that we were in a hospital. There was a hospital bed with Lucy laying down on it, sleeping. Surrounding her were eight people. Ten including Virgo and myself. I saw Loke among these people, and when he saw me looking at him, he nodded.

Everyone's gazes turned to me. I stiffened in surprise because, these people scared me. You might not know it, but I'm a little scared of meeting new people.

"U-um, hi. I'm Wendy Marvel, Lucy's friend. She wanted me to heal her. Please don't hurt me!" I yelped and hid behind Virgo. Loke just chuckled and everyone gave me friendly smiles.

"It's okay. We aren't going to hurt you. I'm Maka Albarn, and this is my partner, Soul," Maka said. I looked up to see a girl with sandy blonde hair reaching her hand out to me. I shook her hand and looked at a boy who had white hair, like Mira's, and red eyes like Gajeel's.

"Sup," He said. I think that, he was the one Maka said was Soul.

"H-hi. I'm sorry, b-but I'm a little shy when it comes to new people," I said, cowering behind Virgo even more.

"Oh, that's alright. You're just like Crona, you know," She said. I smiled, thinking that Crona was probably a good person too.

"I'm Death the Kid. You can call me Kid, though. These are my partners, Liz and Pattie," Kid said, and gestured to the girls who looked the same. The hairs on my neck stood up. D-death.. the Kid?! Oh god... spare me now.

"Hey," The older looking sister said," I'm Liz."

"And I'm Pattie! I like giraffes!" Pattie said. She sounded like a little girl, but I could tell that she was older than me.

"Hi, I'm Tsubaki. Nice to meet you. My partner is Black★Star. He's the guy with the blue hair, and who accidentally hurt Lucy. We are really sorry he did that, although it was my fault too. I didn't mean to cut her that deep. I should've known that my blade went in deep. I'm really sorry," Tsubaki bowed down at me.

"O-oh!" I exclaimed, flustered that a person older than me was treating me like this. "I-Its alright. I don't blame you. Everyone makes mistakes. Besides, The place where me and Lucy came from, we've had many close experiences with being almost dead," I said remembering Nirvana, Edolas, Tenrou, and Grand Magic games.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Maka said. Everyone was a little shocked, well everyone except Loke and Virgo. They were probably shocked because I'm only fourteen, and I've had many close to death experiences.

"No, it's okay. I'm just happy that we survived it. Sometimes, they were fun," I said. I was remembering the time when we went to the water park and Gray froze everything. Oh, and Natsu made us go on that crazy death slide. (A/N She's talking about the 5th OVA episode on Fairy Tail)

"Um, ok. But I don't really see how almost dying could be fun, but okay," Death the Kid said. I laughed, thinking it was ironic how his name was Death but not thinking death of a funny thing. I expected him to be something near psychotic, crazy even. But I guess you can't judge a book by its cover after all.

"Okay. I'll just wake Lucy up and heal her. I need to ask her some stuff," I said shyly. I turned to Lucy and lightly shook her. Lucy's eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she saw me.

"Wendy! Oh, how I missed you! Can you please heal me so I can get up and hug you?" She asked and pointed to her stomach. I nodded and put my hands over her stomach and blue light emitted from my hands.


That was chapter 5! Usually I give up on my stories after chapter 4, because I don't have any ideas left. But I'm glad that I came up with this one! YAY! Please review and tell me what you like and dislike about this chapter. Criticism is welcome, although I might get mad and probably stop writing. Go ahead and click that follow/favorite button. It really boosts my self esteem in writing andhelps me write more and better. So, yeah.

Love, Animelova2001

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