Mason looked too, just that he was wearing a white shirt and black suit pants with black shoes. His sleeves weren't filled and his first shirt buttons weren't open.

I could only assume he liked to look professional. Honestly, whoever saw him now, would've thought he had a meeting. Ryan pretty much has the freer style, I guess.

We went into the garage and got in Ryan's Ferrari. He loved this car so damn much, he never let me drive it while we were apart. He has no fucking clue I drove it five times while he was gone, just as a revenge for leaving me for a week. I mean that.

In less than twenty minutes we find ourselves in front of the Kings' house. A beautiful, huge, modern house. Mason looked impressed at first, but didn't mention it.

We walked in front of the front door, as Ryan's gaze was fixed on one of the cars, probably which belonged to someone invited. I press on the doorbell and hear it make a birdie cute noice. I shift from one leg to another, excited to meet the rest of Ryan's family.

Alex opened the door and smiled brightly seeing us, "Hi! Come in!"

We walk inside and hug her tightly, "Hi, Alex!"

"Hi, sweetie! How are you?" She asks softly in my ear. I pull back and share a look with Ryan who was grinning from ear to ear. I turned back at Alex and rose my hand with the sapphire on it, showing it to her.

She looks at the ring, a little dumbfounded at first, but then she gasps and looks between Ryan and I, "You proposed?" She asks shocked.

Ryan nods and I just couldn't stop smiling. She smiled brightly as what seemed like tears filled her eyes. She hugged me tighter than she ever did, and I was almost breathless, catching short breaths here and there. It felt warm in her embrace and I never felt this warm with a person, except Ryan, mom, the friends I now have. My point? She reminds me of my mom.

She pulls back and pulls Ryan's ear down, "Why in the hell didn't you tell me? Was it that hard to tell your mom you want to propose to your girlfriend?"

Ryan groaned as she let go and scowled I'm his direction, "I'm sorry, ma…"

She rolls her eyes and looks on my other side at Mason. She raises a brow, "And who may you be, honey?" The smile rose on her cheeks like a second skin.

I swear I love this woman.

"I'm Mason. Payne's twin brother." He introduces spreading his hand for a shake. Alex's brows inch up, "Twin brother? You said you had no family…"

I nodded, "Yeah, that's what I thought. It's a lot of history." I sigh and she nods sharing my reason.

She takes his hand and shakes it strongly, "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, son. I hope you will fit in here." She turns at us, "I heard the boys came to you this morning."

Ryan nods, "Yeah, they witnessed me proposing princesa. Luke fainted." He replies proudly.

Alex shakes her head slowly and smiles as she turns around, "Everyone's in the living room. Dinner isn't ready yet."

We follow her to the living room, and see people two adults sitting on the couch, a woman with blonde hair and green emerald eyes, and a man with blackish white hair and brown eyes, both in their late thirties, maybe early forties. They were both holding champagne glasses, laughing and smiling. The twins were sitting each at the large table and looked utterly bored. In the head of the table wasn't Bryan as he usually sat. Tonight, it was a man in his early sixties I suppose, with white hair, not another color and brown wrinkled eyes. Ryan's eyes. He looked muscled and strong for his age, also bored. Bryan was talking to the two people sitting on the couch, and one guy next to them. He didn't seem too much into it, he actually looked cringed by most of the things and utterly forced, but he was totally dealing with it. I didn't recognize him either.

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