"I'm going to go find Sofia to make sure she didn't do anything stupid." Matthew said as he ran out of the room.

Julio grabs my shoulders and stares into my eyes. "My darling, you are going to kill it. Bring out that sexy kitten in you and shake what your mama gave ya."

I laughed, "Thank you Julio."

Andrew and Julio left to go to the audience as Christina, Mark, Ace and I head backstage to watch Emily perform.

Emily is standing by the side of the stage as she waits for the announcer to call her name.

"You are going to kill it Emily and honestly who care if you mess up? If you are enjoying yourself and having fun, everyone else won't matter." I smiled as I gave her a hug.

She nervously smiles, "That means a lot, especially coming from you."

Cameron runs towards us with a goofy smile on his face. "I hope you don't mind but I just got one of your dancer's number."

"Of course you would." Ace jokes as he punched Cameron's shoulder lightly.

Sofia and Matthew come towards us arguing.

"Did you really ask for that guy's number?" Matthew asked in disbelief.

Sofia shrugged her shoulders, "I got to have options."

Matthew shook his head, "I'm going to the audience, Good luck girls." He said as he kissed my forehead and walked away.

Sofia watched him walk away and turn back to me, "I knew what he was getting into when he started talking to me." She shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm guessing you and Matthew aren't working out?" I asked as the announcer walks on stage.

"Not really but that's okay I guess. Matthew is a great guy but I need someone more adventurous and outgoing." Sofia said.

"My boy Andrew is single and that dude is crazy." Cameron told her.

"I'm listening." Sofia said as they head to the audience.

"Please give it up for the winner of the contest, Emily Konrad!"

Emily let out a shaky breath as she walked on stage with a big smile on her face.

The crowd screamed as she made it to the center of the stage. We all rooted for her backstage as Emily introduces herself to the audience.

She played a few cover songs as well as a song she wrote herself. The crowd loved it as they were mesmerized by her vocals.

Almost an hour later, Emily finishes her song and thanks the crowd one more time as she walks off the stage. A big smile appears on her face as she jumps in Mark's Arms in excitement.

The backstage crew runs on stage and quickly gets the stage ready for me.

"That was amazing!" Mark says as he twirls her around.

"That was so good Emily." Ace congratulated her as Mark puts her down.

"That felt amazing, like I was on cloud 9." She smiled.

A makeup artist pulls me aside to touch up my face as Ryan gives me my microphone.

"I'm going to go to the audience now, you got it from here?" Christina asked.

I nodded in response as she heads towards the audience.

I walk to where my friends are as Emily runs to give me a hug.

"Thank you so much for choosing me! This was an experience of a life time."

"You deserve it."

Ryan checks the stage to make sure they are done and jogs to where I am.

"Everything is set, are you ready?" Ryan asked.

"I'm ready!" I excitedly said as Ryan yells in his headset for everyone to get into positions.

"We should head out to the audience then." Mark said.

Emily nods in agreement as they wish me good luck. They walk out together, leaving me with Ace.

Ace smiled at me fondly as he pulls me in for a kiss. I instantly melted in his hold as we pull away.

"I love you and I already know that you are going to do great." He smiled.

"I love you too and don't miss me too much." I winked as he hugs me.

The intro of my song starts playing as I hear the crowd cheer in excitement.

"I guess that's me cue to leave." Ace said as he kissed me one more time. "Good luck out there my little pop star." He jogs out of the backstage as I stand on the side of the stage.

As soon as my verse is about to start, my dancers and I run on stage.

I start singing as the crowd roars with excitement. The dancers and I dance in sync as I look in the audience to see my friends and family cheer me on.

I smiled as I watched my grandparents cheer me on and My mom swaying to the rhythm in my dad's arms. Julio dances as if he had too many shots. Sofia hyped him up while she looks like a lunatic. The rest of my friends dance to the beat, enjoying the music. Even Roger is enjoying himself with his wife Lydia as Madeline and her friends scream in excitement.

Then there was Ace, he watched as I performed with complete awe. Ace's parents came in late since they needed to close the diner. They hugged their son and walked over to my parents.

Performing is my passion and it is something that I would love to do or the rest of my life. I am not only thankful for being able to do this as a living, I am also thankful for the people who have grown to love me. Without them, I would be so lost in this world.

These people are my family, and this stage is my home.

This book is coming to the end as the next chapter is the epilogue. :(
Anyone sad that this book is almost finished?
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