He's Back

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2 weeks later

Aria's POV

It's been 2 weeks since Adriano and Alec had a fight. And everything went back to normal or as normal as our lives are just the casual glares from across the hall.

So Ash and I were walking threw the hall when someone bumped into to me and it was Adriano just great. As I was about to answer him I saw someone that looked familiar. Too familiar..... Damion. Instantly a wave of fear me.

" Is she ok?" Adriano asked in a pissed of but slightly worried voice and Ash started to shake me. I only starred back into Damion's brown eyes that were so dark they looked dead black. He kept my gaze and smirked and I gulped. Then everything went black.

Adriano's POV

After that girl bumped into me I looked down just my luck. She was scared?!

"Is she ok?" I asked and her sister shook her but she just stared at something or someone behind me. As I turned and saw a blonde boy with almost black eyes I heard Ash scream when I turned back I saw Toni's eyes started to roll over but I caught her before she fell.

We took her to the nurse and I left Ash with her and on my way back to the cafeteria I passed her brothers but for once they didn't stare guess they were in a rush and couldn't be bothered.

This made me stop and think what if dad didn't join The Vipers what if their gang leader hadn't died what if mom hadn't died what if my life wasn't as shitty as it is what if had tried to explain what happened all those years ago. What happened to cause my dad to snap. Well, I highly doubt they would give me the time of day after they heard what happened. You would think Ria and Ash would we shouldn't let peoples choices change your perspective on someone it affected. No one knows what happen it's between my dad and me the other 3 people who knew are dead that's my mom and Lucan the dead ex-gang leader and someone who I don't like talking about this cause this is all his fault.

I stopped thinking about the what if's and went to lunch cause that won't help my case. I guess it doesn't matter why or how you ended up dealing with mafias its wrong and the world will never see you as good ever again even those you understand or are in the same place as you won't see you the same no matter what you'll always be the bad guy.

Hola people I got my book so now I am going to try to finish any outstanding books before school starts this being my main focus so I'll try to update once a day. This

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