Day at the Mall

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Aria's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar room then yesterdays events came flooding back. Then I looked over to the sofa in my room and saw this cute outfit and a note.

Wear this today:)~~~Mom

So I did my morning routine then went downstairs for breakfast after pulling my hair into a high ponytail.

"So what's for breakfast?"I asked as I sat next to dad who was sitting at the end with mom next to him on the other side from me.

"WAFFLES!" Ash and Ace yelled as they entered the kitchen. They may not be identical but they think alike.

"NO PANCAKES!"Mom and Dad yelled back.

"Damn!"Alec and I said i  union. They were bickering so I just made some cereal and Alec and I went to watch TV while we ate. When we went to put the plates in the sink we saw them Mom and Dad eating their pancakes while Ash and Ace were eating their waffles.

1 week before school

Its kind of boring in the house, yeah mom and dad our twins are here but its always us. NOT THAT I"M UNGRATEFUL, cause a month ago I didn't even know them.

So today we're going shopping for our school supplies. Mom said we're going to the same school as the boys. Jake had us homeschooled a year ago for......... reasons I don't like to talk about but he told mom and dad with the same # he texted them with they asked me about it and, to be honest, I cried only Ash and Jake knew I thought mom and dad would treat me differently but they didn't.

Currently we're all in dad's car. First we bought our uniforms. Yes, you read that right we're going to a private school. Oh I completely forgot dad said and I quote 'Boys you're going to show the girls around here's 1 of my credit cards buy whatever you want and need as long as I don't need to be there and if needed I'm at the food court.' Then he walked off something about if we're anything like our mother he doesn't want to find out the hard way. And he's right the last time mom brought us here to get some clothes for a "few hours" we spent the whole day here shopaholic much I know.

1 hour later

We walked into the food court and found dad sitting using his phone and sipping on some coffee. "Daddy ?" Ash and I asked like sweet innocent 5-year-olds.

"What did y'all do or want?" He asked looking down at us smiling.

"You know how you said we can get whatever want?" We asked and he nodded. "We want a cell phone please." We asked cause the boys already had their own. "Sure come on." He said as we went over to the appliance section of the mall.

after they got their phones

"Oh dad can we get our hair done," Ash asked and I groaned. Its not the hair part that I'm all 'whyyyyyyyyy' but the fact that I'll have to sit still.


Not the time.

After new hair do.

Ash insisted that she choose my hairdo so I'm just seeing it and my words were.......

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled looking at my once red hair now blonde.

"Surprise!" Ash said as dad and the boys tried to stifle their laughter and by "tried" I mean leaning on each other shaking.

At home

I walked into the house while Dad and the boys carried the bags and Ash all her hair produces cause after the salon I refused to help them. I went into the kitchen and when mom saw me she gasped.

"What happened to my baby!" She said as she glared at dad.

Ashlyn-Ella happened was all the answer she got as I eat the last cookie then snuck back into my room.

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