Evening with the Boys

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Aria's POV

At home

After Dad came and picked us up and brought us home the boys went to the basement mom took Ash and that girl (I forgot her name anyways) to the mall and I'm stuck here with dad.

Half an hour later

"I'm bored," I whined to dad.

"Then go play COD with your brothers." He responded while he began to cook dinner cause mom was still out. I shrugged and walked down the stairs to the basement and as I entered they changed it to Fortnight.

"YASSS! I love this game." I yelled as I jumped over the sofa and grabbed the controller before Alec cold. Then I realized they all turned and started to stare at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing just didn't take you for that kind of girl," Adriano responded.

"Oh..... but why? or rather why not?" I asked slightly offended.

" Its just Ash doesn't act that way so we just thought....." Ace answered and trailed of that made me smile.

" Yeah Ash and I are 2 different people if you haven't noticed because we seem like we spend so much time together but we actually don't she was overly girly and trying to fit into the crowd while I would gladly wear things that would most likely burn her eyes that's why I didn't pay much attention to what's her name cause she isn't a permanent thing cause she's trying to get popular of Ash and Ash is going to play along for a year are so then drop her like it's hot its I stunt I've gotten used to nothing is permanent when it comes to Ashlyn-Ella," I said with a shrug.

"Ohhhhh."They drew it out while I replied with a hum.

"Now that that's over are we gonna play or not," I smirked and Adriano gladly returned it.

5 Games later

"WHAT HOW COULD YOU BEAT MY FIVE GAMES IN A ROW. "He groaned and I smirked in return.

" Queens were meant to slay." I shrugged. " Am I right or am I right." with that said I walked out like the boss I am.

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