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Aria's POV

I was walking down the hall with Jay after soccer practice, Yes I made the team, back to what I was saying, we said we should go shopping this weekend.

"Oh yeah and we can go to the new store that just opened." I could tell she was excited.


On my way out to meet Jay and her mom outside, I was Ash and that girl and me being mature greeted her with a nice good morning.

" Sup that girl," I said.

" Oh hey bitch." I could just feel Ash smirking knowing what was coming next.

" Well seeing as a bitch is a female dog and dogs bark and bark is apart of a tree and trees are apart of nature and nature is beautiful thanks for the compliment," I said smiling.

" What?" she asked genuinely confused.

" I forgot this comeback was not for the mentally challenged( No offence to anyone God made you the way you are for a reason) don't stress yourself over it hun," I said as I grabbed an apple and walked out as she was still standing right where I felt her still confused and I heard Ash laughing.

After I got into Jay's mom's car and told Jay everything that happened we finally arrived at the mall

"OH OH CLOTHES FIREST," Jay screamed as she dragged me into some random store.

2 hours later

" THANK YOU JESUS," I screamed not caring how many people turned to look at me.

" oh my gosh is that a jewellery store we should totally get friendship bracelets," she said as she dragged me to yet another store.

" Why just why Mis Dio," I whined which she ignored me.

We looked at them the we choose a bracelet, a necklace and 2 different rings. So Jay's mom ordered the necklaces but we got the ring and the bracelet so we left.

" Hey Ria what does BFFL mean?" she asked.

" Bestfriends For Life," I answered.

Then we went over to my house and we had a sleepover.

Then we went over to my house and we had a sleepover

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Sorry I haven't updated for a lllooooonnnnng time its way over due and I had some shit dealing with mentally not to mention my very sever case of indolence aka laziness I have hundreds of chapters written before hand and this is why I like to just type it and go with the flow but anyways Au Revoir mon amours.

Je t'aime

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