Nick Fury

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"Hi, I am Nick Fury."

My eyes were wide open. " You are Nic...k Fur....y?!"

"In the flesh." He looked so agenty. I was fangirling it up. I tried not to look like I was though.

"Sir I thought that ever since shield went down you all went into hiding."

"Well ever since the avengers died, I decided that I needed to do something about it. And the best solution I thought of was you."

"All due respect, but Tasha and I are on out own mission."

"Oh yeah and what's that?" He looked straight at me with his one eye.

"......The same one you are doing. We are tracking down the children of the avengers to defeat Ultron and avenge our parents."

"Well then, I guess you will be needing some equipment to track them down then?"

"Yeah. Do you happen to have some lying around."

"We spies do love our toys."

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